Articles by George Monbiot
George Monbiot ·
The ruination of a once-thriving area of Ethiopia is the result of war and its associated crimes. The world needs to wake up
George Monbiot ·
Academic publishers charge vast fees to access research paid for by us. Down with the knowledge monopoly racketeers
George Monbiot ·
What is the most neglected issue in British politics? I would say land. Literally and metaphorically, land underlies our lives, but its ownership and control have been captured by a tiny number of people. The results include soaring...
George Monbiot ·
The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one.
George Monbiot ·
It was a moment of the kind that changes lives. At a press conference held by Extinction Rebellion last week, two of us journalists pressed the activists on whether their aims were realistic. They have called, for example, for carbon...
George Monbiot ·
There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered waving queen; a belly button brush; a silver-plated ice cream tub holder; a “hilarious” inflatable zimmer frame; a...
George Monbiot ·
I must applaud Matt Bruenig's summing up of the inherent conflict between libertarianism and environmental issues
George Monbiot ·
By reframing the economy, Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics changes our view of who we are and where we stand.
George Monbiot ·
All together now.
George Monbiot ·
Our failure to understand the link between fame and big business made the rise of Trump inevitable
George Monbiot ·
We face (at least) 13 major crises, some of which are immediate. It’s time for some hard thinking about how we confront them.
George Monbiot ·
How a ruthless network of super-rich ideologues killed choice and destroyed people’s faith in politics
George Monbiot ·
Why should plagues of mental illness surprise us, in a world being ripped apart?
George Monbiot ·
Competition and individualism are forcing us into a devastating Age of Loneliness
George Monbiot ·
What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.
George Monbiot ·
The decision to leave the EU is a disaster, but also a great opportunity for renewal
George Monbiot ·
Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all.
George Monbiot ·
Crisis after crisis is being caused by a failed ideology. But it cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative.
George Monbiot ·
I am starting to hate the European Union. But I will vote to stay in.
George Monbiot ·
The hidden and remarkable story of why devastating floods keep happening.
George Monbiot ·
The belief that economic growth can be detached from destruction appears to be based on a simple accounting mistake.
George Monbiot. ·
What’s the difference between Al Qaeda and Fort Benning?
George Monbiot ·
In the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st Century (so far), Indonesia has been blotted out by smoke. And the media.
George Monbiot ·
Fascinating new lines of research suggest that we are good people, tolerating bad things.
George Monbiot ·
While we marvel at Nasa’s discoveries, we destroy our irreplaceable natural resources – so we can buy pre-peeled bananas and smartphones for dogs
George Monbiot ·
Where does legitimate business end and organised crime begin?
George Monbiot ·
From laissez-faire economics in 18th-century India to neoliberalism in today’s Europe the subordination of human welfare to power is a brutal tradition
George Monbiot ·
In defending the natural world, we should be honest about our motivations – it’s love that drives us, not money.
George Monbiot ·
The way that meat, eggs and milk are produced is surrounded by one of our great silences, in which most people collaborate. We don’t want to know, because knowing would force anyone with a capacity for empathy to change their diet.
George Monbiot ·
The interactions between wildlife and the physical planet are more complex and fascinating than we could ever have imagined.
George Monbiot ·
That didn't take long. The public interest in the state of the natural world stimulated by the winter floods receded almost as quickly as the waters did.
George Monbiot ·
That they are crass, brash and trashy goes without saying. But there is something in the pictures posted on Rich Kids of Instagram (and highlighted by the Guardian last week(1)) that inspires more than the usual revulsion towards crude...
George Monbiot ·
'One woe doth tread upon another's heel, So fast they follow". That radical green pressure group PriceWaterhouseCoopers warns that even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on cours
George Monbiot ·
Yesterday was August 28th 2012. Remember that date. It marks the day when the world went raving mad.
Three things of note happened. The first is that a record Arctic ice melt had just been announced by the scientists studying the...