1,501-1,560 of 10,392
Hidden in the depths of the Klamath-Siskiyou mountains is a world few have seen. Complex geology, climatic conditions, and impassibly rugged river canyons have inspired some of the greatest technological feats of history — technology created by life over billions of...
Pro-Capitalist School Explains the Value of Understanding Marxism
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.
The Transition
Are nations and capitalism still viable systems or are they nearing their end of life? If so, what comes next? How do we deal with climate change and biodiversity loss? How do we make sense of the world and figure out what's true to inform choices? Is humanity going to get...
3 Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage - Valarie Kaur
What's the antidote to rising nationalism, polarization and hate? In this inspiring, poetic talk, Valarie Kaur asks us to reclaim love as a revolutionary act. As she journeys from the birthing room to tragic sites of bloodshed, Kaur shows us how the choice to love can be a...
The Loss of the Immeasureable
Our society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure - more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP, and less and less of the things that we can’t measure - how happy we are, levels of intimacy, the...
Permaculture Tours - Episode 1: Abdallah House
Welcome to the first episode of our new series, Permaculture Tours. In this series we’ll be diving deep into some amazing properties designed using permaculture principals, with the aim of giving you inspiration and ideas on how to apply these solutions in your own life. In...
Daniel Ellsberg vs Chelsea Manning ("The Post" movie interviews)
I went to the theatre to talk to people who saw the movie, “The Post”. It’s about Daniel Ellsberg’s famous “Pentagon Papers” leak that exposed the US Government’s lies about the war in Vietnam. I was curious now that people consider Daniel Ellsberg a hero, what do they think...
The Urbal Fix: Creating Truly Sustainable Cities
A solution-oriented film about creating sustainable and democratic cities. 
How the Media's Weapons Fetish Primes Us for War
Between the Tomahawk strike on Syria and the MOAB in Afghanistan, cable news under Trump has been saturated by images of American firepower. But the media's obsession with American weapons sanitizes violence and makes it harder to think critically about why we use deadly force.
The Powerful Anti-Terrorism Ad That Went Viral
So far 5 million people have watched as of June 2017. The ad promotes a beautiful message: "Worship your God with love, not terror. Be tender in your faith, tender not harsh. Confront your enemy with peace, not war. Persuade others with leniency, not force." We couldn't...
How You Change People
This is exactly what we all need right now. Here is a great secret of life that you can use to change the hearts and minds of everyone in your world. Speech by Garret John LoPorto
The Snow Guardian
For 40 years, billy barr has lived alone in small cabin in one of the coldest places in the United States - the ghost town of Gothic, CO. With no goals of proving anything, or even knowledge that the climate was changing, billy started collecting data about snowpack to pass...
"The Myth of Time" - Martin Luther King Jr.
Excerpt from MLK Jr.'s last sermon, "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution". Delivered at The National Cathedral on March 31, 1968 (4 days prior to his assassination)
Chris Hedges & Abby Martin - Trump, Fascism & the Christian Right
For the first time in modern history, a fringe wing of Christian extremists have obtained the highest seats of power in the US government—from Mike Pence to Betsy DeVos. This new development is coupled with the emergence of the Alt Right, the Trump movement, and the rise of...
This is the Most Detailed Map of the Universe to Date
Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends and another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique...
What Happened When 235 Incarcerated Men Stepped Into The Circle and Humanized Their Trauma Together
Unaddressed childhood trauma changes how we respond to the world and when triggered, we make choices that sometimes have devastating consequences including domestic violence, addiction, murder and prison.
WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War (Narrated by Danny Glover)
WORTH THE PRICE? is a short documentary reviewing the role of then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) in leading the United States into the most devastating foreign policy blunder of the last twenty years.
Killer Mike: Amazon Using Slave Labor to Enrich the Richest Man in the World
Killer Mike delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Alabama Amazon warehouse workers who are fighting to unionize. If their efforts succeed, it could be the spark that ignites successful Amazon union drives across the country.
The Power Principle - An Interview with Filmmaker Scott Noble
Scott Noble is the director of several acclaimed and politically charged documentaries, including Psywar, Human Resources and Lifting the Veil. His documentary on Occupy Wall Street, Rise Like Lions, took the #1
A People's History of the United States, Chapter 1: Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
This is the first chapter from A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.
Why Tribal Societies Work: An Introduction
An irony of modern life is that, in spite of spectacular increases in material abundance and centuries of technological progress, hunter-gatherers, people who have lived with almost no material possessions, have enjoyed lives in many ways as satisfying and rewarding as lives...
An Earthship in 10 Minutes
This is a ten minute recap of our earthship greenhouse we built at Valhalla. If you'd like to watch the entire playlists; Subscribe to our Channel and watch all 10 parts. :)
The Risk of Opposing Israel in the US
We all know the stigma, but we cannot remain silent Growing up in the United Kingdom in an agnostic family that had Jewish and Christian members, I was free to have an opinion about the continual clashes between Israel and Palestine. It reminded me of Britain’s...
Here's How We're Going to End Factory Farming
Factory farming is a huge problem. But the solution is simple, if you'll join us. Watch this short 2 minute video to see how... Help make a kinder world possible at "Perpetuum Mobile" composed by Simon Jeffe
The Codes of Gender
Written and directed by MEF Executive Director Sut Jhally, The Codes of Gender applies the late sociologist Erving Goffman's groundbreaking analysis of advertising to the contemporary commercial landscape, showing how one of American popular culture's most influential forms...
Comedian Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism
There's nothing more American than Football. There's also nothing more socialist. Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism.
What The Wise Ones Mean When They Say "It Was a Good Day"
What does "a good day" mean to you?
Decadence: The Meaninglessness of Modern Life
Decadence: The Meaninglessness of Modern Life is a six-part Australian television documentary series hosted by Pria Viswalingam. The series examines the decadence and meaninglessness of modern, western life. It is also posed the question: 'If we live in such a great and...
We live in a time of great uncertainty and confusion. Events keep happening that seem inexplicable and out of control. Donald Trump, Brexit, the War in Syria, the endless migrant crisis, random bomb attacks. And those who are supposed to be in power are paralysed - they have...
The Problem With Living Your Life on Facebook
Facebook can be depressing because everyone else's lives are better than yours... But are they really? Interestingly, a scientific study recently backed up excactly what this video illustrates. Not that we really needed any proof. I think just about everyone that spends time...
Dear Future Generations: Sorry
An Apology Letter to Future Generations.
Solar Roads:  The Future of the Highway & the Next Energy Revolution
What if roads and parking lots were solar, fueling enough energy from the sun to power nearby communities as well as electric vehicles? Scott and Julie Brusaw, the inventors/creators have the answer. They have a IndieGoGo funding campaign active through May 31st, 2014. 
How to Disagree
The web is turning writing into a conversation. Twenty years ago, writers wrote and readers read. The web lets readers respond, and increasingly they do—in comment threads, on forums, and in their own blog posts. Many who respond to something disagree with it. That's to be...
History Tells Us What May Happen Next With Brexit and Trump
It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals. I am sketching out here opinions based on information, they may prove right, or may prove wrong, and they’re intended just to challenge and be part of a wider...
Is This - the Love Journey? Is This the Only One?
You meet them, you get to know them, you date them, you learn about them. You have sex with them. Finally, you love them. You live with them. You marry them. You have kids with them. You grow old with them. Is this, the love journey? Is it the only one?
On Modern Servitude
The central objective of this film is to reveal man's condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile system and to show the forms of mystification which mask his servile condition. Its aim is to attack head on the dominant world organization...
This Dude Just Used Jelly Beans To Convince Me To Live My Life To The Fullest
After watching this video, I just wanted to make the most of my free time. I also wanted some candy, so we will call that a 2 for 1. - Rafael Casal
Freedom Culture
A movement about building the world we know is possible in our hearts today.
#ThisIsACoup - How The EU Destroyed the First Radical Left Gov in Modern History
Director Theopi Skarlatos and producer Paul Mason present #ThisIsACoup, a four part documentary series telling the story of how the European Union destroyed the first radical left government in modern history. Directed by Theopi Skarlatos. Produced by Paul Mason.
Customers in this Exotic Leather Shop are in for a Shock
This pop-up shop in one of Bangkok's hippest shopping malls showed consumers the suffering behind every exotic-skins bag, belt, jacket, and pair of gloves or shoes.
Teenager Takes on Cops Arresting 'Homeless' Man in McDonald's
Teenager and local community activist Luke Holland takes on an officer from West Midlands Police after over five officers are sent to McDonald's in Birmingham's Cherry Street to remove an allgedly homeless man who was reportedly sleeping in the restaurant. The 17-year-old...
Rap News 33: Pope Francis Vs Climate Change
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley
It is June 28th, 2009. The people of Honduras are preparing to vote in their country's first-ever referendum. However, instead of waking up to ballot boxes they rise to find their streets full of soldiers. The first coup d'état in Central America in three decades.
Anarchy Now! Chile Elects to Revolt
This week we take a look at the 6 plus year student revolt in Chile, plus ballot burning fury in Mexico and an interview with militants from Santiago who tell us about the anarchist scene there.
Desmond Tutu Speaks Out Against Israeli Apartheid
Archbishop Desmond Tutu exposes the Israeli apartheid against Palestinians. Archbishop Tutu connects the struggles of black South Africa with the struggles of the Palestinians. 
What Have the Tories Ever Done to Us?
With the Tories going it alone in government we know exactly what to expect. More nasty, destructive cuts to the things ordinary people care about- the NHS, the welfare state, education and public services.
An Emotional Jon Stewart Drops the Comedy to Talk About Charleston
Jon Stewart apologized to his audience for not having any jokes for them, as he just dropped the comedy to get serious about Charleston. He said, “I honestly have nothing, other than just sadness.”
Building Communities of Dissent Around Social Injustices Caused by Neoliberalism
How do we build on communities of dissent, asks veteran Black activist A. Sivanandan in a short film released this week by Sage Publications alongside a collection of his key writings in Race & Class. 
Abuse Behind the Walls of UK Slaughterhouses
Since 2009 Animal Aid has secretly filmed inside ten randomly selected British slaughterhouses, including conventional 'humane' abattoirs, 'higher welfare' operations, and a non-stun halal slaughterhouse. We found illegal cruelty taking place in nine of them. You can see just...
This Hedge Fund Billionaire Takes from the Poor to Give to the Rich
Paul Tudor Jones THINKS he's Robin Hood -but he is the opposite!
Things Not to Say to a Trans Person
BBC Free Speech got together some people from the transgender community to pick out questions they often hear. We asked, so you don't have to!
Comedy Sketch Shows Deep-Seated Sexism in Advertising
This is a clip from the BBC comedy series 'That Mitchell and Webb look' satirises sexism in advertising.
Incredible Array of Reactions as Animals See Themselves in a Mirror
French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre travelled to Gabon with his wife and set up a mirror in several locations in order to capture animals walking by. Their vastly varied responses to their reflections are fascinating. You can see longer clips of what he found on his...
Marinaleda: A Socialist Utopia in Spain
Marinaleda is a small and remote village of Andalusia, one of the poorest regions in Spain. The town, with a population of 2,700 citizens, has a unique political and economic system of a strong socialist nature. As a result Marinaleda has virtually full employment in...
The Anarchist Ideal Summed Up Beautifully in 7 Minutes
This 7-minute clip from Engines of Domination discusses the abolition of armed central authority and what kind of world that would make possible -- a world of peaceful voluntary communities thriving in harmony with their habitat.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste
Producers, sellers, and consumers waste tons of food. John Oliver discusses the shocking amount of food we don't eat. Connect with Last Week Tonight online...
CSI: Gaza - Forensic Architects Map Devastation in Gaza to Show Human Rights Violations
Together with Amnesty International, Forensic Architects from University of London have embarked on an extraordinary and ambitious scientific project - The Gaza Platform. Its the most comprehensive database ever build on what happened during the Gaza conflict 2014. The...
A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally
Emotions can cloud our rational decision-making. By adopting the perspective of an outside advisor, psychologist Dan Ariely says we can inject some rationality into our cognitive processes. Ariely's new book is titled Irrationally Yours.
Paul Mason Explains "People's Quantitative Easing"
Jeremy Corbyn wants to print money to invest in the UK. He's calling it "People's Quantitative Easing". Rivals like Yvette Cooper say he's talking nonsense but Paul Mason thinks PQE might not be as crazy as some are making out...
Why We Must Find Beauty In The World: Richard Rodgers
It has been amazing for me to return the the White Crow Farm. Six years ago I moved to this land to reconnect with my roots, and to start to use my skills in media to tell the story of the important work happening on the land. That project would one day turn into Over Grow...