1,441-1,500 of 10,392
30 Years of Speeches by Bernie Sanders
Video clips from 30 years of Bernie Sanders' speeches comparing what he said then to what he's saying now. Speaks for itself. 
Sustainable Human Launches New Gift-Based Economic System
We recognize at the very root of many of our systemic issues is an economic system that measures progress and success in only one metric - growth or profit. Economic growth means consuming more resources each year than were consumed in the prior year, which means that more of...
What's Your Biggest Regret?
A blackboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passersby to write down their biggest regrets. As the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common.
How to Upgrade Democracy for the Internet Era
Pia Mancini and her colleagues want to upgrade democracy in Argentina and beyond. Through their open-source mobile platform they want to bring citizens inside the legislative process, and run candidates who will listen to what they say.
Nuit Debout: The New French Revolution
Nuit Debout ("Rise up at night") is a French social movement that emerged from opposition to the 2016 neoliberal labour reforms known as the "Loi Travail," and began on the 31st March 2016.
Puerto Rico: Colonial Bondage & Resistance
Puerto Rico’s massive debt has been discussed at length in Congress and the media, all omitting the most important fact: the history of being a colonial subject for over 500 years, still owned and controlled by the United States. 
Move Your Money from Banks to Credit Unions
Join Matthew Cooke and Susan Sarandon by pledging to withdraw your money from these big banks until they agree to: 1. Divest from Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of the Dakota Access Pipeline. 2. Pressure President Obama to halt construction and put a stop to...
Awesome Oceans - Important and Under Threat
About 70% of our planet is covered by oceans and seas: large, full of life and mysterious. They are a source of food, way of transportation, oxygen producer, and more. But the sea is in danger: overfishing, plastic waste, acidification, species extinction. We need to better...
Here's How They Try to Suppress Your Vote
In America, voting isn't a right, it's a privilege -like health care, or clean water. Here are some of the tactics politicians use to keep people from voting.
Is This the World We Want to Offer the Children of the 21st Century?
This clip is taken from the end of the film War By Other Means (1992), by John Pilger. Watch the full documentary online here. It may be over 2 decades old, but it remains one of our favorite films for explaining one of the biggest issues of our time. The need for the world...
The Most Honest Political Ad You've Ever Seen
America deserves a new kind of the same old politician.
How U.S. Companies Profit From War
The United States exports more weapons than any other nation - which means American companies profit from other countries' wars.
Stand With Syria
Made to coincide with the third anniversary of conflict (in March 2014), let us stand #WithSyria features artwork from Banksy and is narrated by Idris Elba with exclusive music from Elbow.
Is David Cameron a Threat to Context?
Mashup artists Cassetteboy take on David Cameron after the Conservative party released a video attacking Jeremy Corbyn. The Tory scare movie took the new Labour leader’s words on the death of Osama bin Laden out of context. So what does David Cameron think about fairness, the...
I Have Tourette Syndrome and Here's Why I Want You to Laugh
Jess Thom's tics from Tourette syndrome can be funny, but people often suppress their laughter for fear of causing offence. This, she says, shows how hard it can be to deal with people who are different from us. But by having an open conversation about disability and...
Ecological Learning Through Direct Experience
This is a documentary about getting out into the natural world and learning from the wisdom of land and people - focusing on how rewilding our perception might be the catalyst for the changes we wish to see in the world.
Decade Zero #1
Decade Zero #1 is the first of a series of short fictional documentary films that blend utopia and apocalypse, the present and the future, the real and the imagined. 
That's What He Said: Women
It has been said that 'Men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid men will kill them.' How do you feel about this statement? In this episode our men discuss how they relate to women, adding a much needed male point of view to the discussion surrounding...
Australians Answer The Question, 'Why Do You Welcome Refugees?'
Tens of thousands of people have attended candlelight vigils across Australia in support of refugees, adding their voices to the growing pressure on Australia to accept more people who are fleeing the war in Syria. 
The Shocking Truth About Planned Parenthood
New video exposes more disturbing truths about what happens behind the walls of Planned Parenthood.
Do Protests Have to Be Disruptive?
Sometimes political protests can be really inconvenient. And sometimes they target powerful people who already agree with the protestors! What's the point of that?
Momenta is a film and movement founded to educate, raise awareness, and activate communities to stop all proposed coal exports in the Pacific Northwest. We are dedicated to rethinking fossil fuels, their impact on climate and environment, and accelerating the clean energy...
I Am A Girl
There is a group of people in the world today who are more persecuted than anyone else, but they are not political or religious activists. They are girls. Being born a girl means you are more likely to be subjected to violence, disease, poverty and disadvantage than any other...
The Yes Men's Solution to California's Drought: If You Eat Beef, Don't Wash
Would you stop showering if it meant that was the only way you could keep eating beef? California's ongoing drought needs radical action. But in a state dependent on water-hungry meat production, it would be politically dangerous to suggest eating less beef. Activists the Yes...
Greek Doctor Calls Austerity Measures "Crime Against Humanity"
Paul Mason explains Greece's tough third bailout package as the cogs of its economy start to turn again. He meets a doctor whose hospital has had its budget slashed from €19 million to €7 million and who says the deal is 'a crime against humanity'.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: a Billion-Year Journey to Stardom
An animated look at Neil deGrasse Tyson's life story. From his humble beginnings as a subatomic particle to planetarium director to rockstar astrophysicist. *Not narrated by Carl Sagan, but we think Tim did a good job paying homage to him.
White Riots VS Black Protests
Ever notice how the racist media treats black protesters & white rioters differently?
The True Cost: Who Pays the Real Price for Your Clothes
This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost...
Big Brother, eh?
This week we break Bill C-51, down Klanada's sinister new law, that would give the Canucks increased spying powers over its population. On the break, long standing hip-hop act Onyx, returns with "Fuck The Law." We wrap things up with an interview with Antoine, a computer...
Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms
Since 2012,  Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this video, the drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply...
Akala and Frankie Boyle Discuss Structural Racism in Britain
Comedian Frankie Boyle puts forward the proposition that Britain is racist to the core. Rapper, poet and educator Akala speaks to this, giving clear examples of structural racism and talking about the ongoing effects of colonialism and imperialism.
Emergency: VOTE To Start Revolution - Russell Brand The Trews (E312)
In today's 'Trews Politics Week Conclusion' I recap last week's episodes, reveal Part 2 of 'Milibrand' and give my call to action for how to best use your vote to save the country, and for future REVOLUTION.
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land is a short documentary that was filmed in the summer of 2013 on unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, 1000 km north of Vancouver in northern BC (western Canada) over the duration of the fourth annual Environmental Action Camp, hosted by...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Predatory Lending
Payday loans put a staggering amount of Americans in debt. They prey on the elderly and military service members. They're awful, and nearly impossible to regulate. We've recruited Sarah Silverman to help spread the word about how to avoid falling into their clutches.
The Powers Behind The Islamic State
Investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed gives specific examples of how Saudi, Qatari, and American interests have supported the group formerly known as ISIS, and what the global community can do now to rein them in. 
Introducing Petrolify® - The Power of Petroleum in One Little Pill
Imagine there was a pill you could take every day that would provide you with wealth, freedom, and luxuries beyond the imagination of even the wealthiest kings of yesteryear. Taking this pill would give you the equivalent of hundreds of slaves, working for you 24/7, to grow...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture
Did you know police can just take your stuff if they suspect it's involved in a crime? They can! It's a shady process called "civil asset forfeiture," and it would make for a weird episode of Law and Order. See?
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt
John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as for-profit colleges, who are awfully good at inflicting debt upon us. Connect with Last Week Tonight online...
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Calls For 'End Of Fossil Fuels Era'
Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse. No more can it be dismissed as science fiction; we are already feeling the effects.
Our Survival Depends On Keeping The Oil In The Ground
Humanity's survival depends on not burning two-thirds of our global oil reserves, so we must act now by limiting fossil fuel extraction. The highly biodiverse Amazon basin is a keystone area in combating climate change because it regulates our planet's health and drives...
Structural Violence
Structural violence kills more people every year than terrorism, religious extremism, crime or war.
Ethnic Notions
Ethnic Notions is Marlon Riggs' Emmy-winning documentary that takes viewers on a disturbing voyage through American history, tracing for the first time the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice. Through these images we can begin to understand the...
Terry Crews on Manhood, Feminism & the Mindset That Leads to Rape
These days we're talking a lot about gender: about sexism, discrimination, sexual assault, and gender roles. Actor, author and former NFL Football player Terry Crews, who is well known for his work on the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine and his appearances in ads for the brand...
Tesco Chainstore Massacre
Parody ad for Tesco from the stage show 'Pete the Temp vs Climate Change'.
What Does It Take to Start a Worker Co-Op? A Practical Video Guide to Democratizing Our Economy
Would it be easier to practice workplace democracy if our media gave us as many visions of collaboration as they do of competition?
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
Fair World Project's new 17-minute documentary highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.
They Told This DEA Agent Not to Enforce Drug Laws in White Areas. Really.
Meet Matthew Fogg, a former U.S. Marshal whose exploits led him to be nicknamed "Batman." When he noticed that all of his team's drug raids were in black areas, he suggested doing the same in the suburbs. His boss didn't take kindly to the idea.
Emperor's New Clothes Remix
Cassetteboy is back with another Conservative rap, this time with a special guest appearances from George Osborne and UKIP's Nigel Farage. This is a promo for The Emperor's New Clothes, a new feature documentary from Russell Brand and Michael Winterbottom.
Endless War: As U.S. Strikes Tikrit, "War on Terror" Toll Tops 1.3 Million
As the United States begins bombing the Iraqi city of Tikrit and again delays a withdrawal from Afghanistan, a new report has found that the Iraq War has killed about one million people. The Nobel Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and...
5 Dumbest Parts of the Black on Black Crime Myth
Black on Black Crime is the myth that just won't die. Despite being repeatedly shown to be ludicrous, it was still a large feature of the coverage of the Baltimore protests of the murder of Freddie Gray. This video puts the myth to rest.
Paris Is Burning
Paris Is Burning is a 1990 documentary film directed by Jennie Livingston. Filmed in the mid-to-late 1980s, it chronicles the ball culture of New York City and the African American, Latino, gay and transgender communities involved in it. Many members of the ball culture...
Terence McKenna: Reclaim Your Mind
Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 -- April 3, 2000) was a modern philosopher, whose main interest was psychedelics and their role in society and existence beyond the physical body" 
A Parable About Power
Taken from the documentary A Whisper to a Roar, this short animation beautifully illustrates the corrupting nature of power, the need for collective action and the importance of addressing root causes.
Another World (2014) (trailer)
ANOTHER WORLD is a feature documentary about the journey of mankind to discover who we truly are, challenging the modern view of the world and reconsidering the world view and value systems of ancient societies such as the indigenous Americans.
A Burning Question: Propaganda & The Denial Of Climate Change
Climate change has been hailed as "the biggest challenge to mankind in human history" and has also been called "the biggest swindle". Today many people are confused as to what climate change is and what consequences lie ahead for Ireland in the near and distant future. In...
Years of Living Dangerously
Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy.    In this first episode, we’re taken across the world to get various climate-related answers from experts, as well...
George Carlin on Conspiracies
We've been saying this for years. There's no need for formal conspiracies when all of these economic and political elites share the same ideology, which they learned from their environment growing up in similar positions of privilege within the
Albert Einstein's Circle of Compassion
Abby Martin gives a heartfelt remark about Einstein's 'Circle of Compassion' by reflecting on how to balance personal stability with the plight of humanity by establishing a sense of global empathy.
Too Big Has Failed: 3 Ways Wall Street Hurts You
5 years after the financial crisis, Wall Street grows bigger than ever. What's worse, it continues to hurt everyday Americans in ways that most of us aren't even aware of. This video summarizes 3 ways that happens.
The Story of Solutions: Why Making Real Change Starts with Changing the Game
The Story of Solutions explores how we can move our economy in a more sustainable and just direction, starting with orienting ourselves toward a new goal. In the current 'Game of More', we're told to cheer a growing economy -- more roads, more malls, more Stuff! -- even...