1,621-1,680 of 10,402
Jim Acosta Destroyed Over Julian Assange At “Newseum”
 Acosta Refuses to Defend the Free Press & Julian Assange 
MLK & Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump | “Revolution of Values”
The spirit of MLK on Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. #Bernie2020 #PoliticalRevolution #FeelTheBern Welcome to the Political Revolution. Matt Orfalea ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Please help...
The Secret Language of Trees
Learn how trees are able to communicate with each other through a vast root system and symbiotic fungi, called mycorrhizae.
Solution-based documentary taking you on a journey of perspectives and insights on the issue of inclusivity and bias in Artificial Intellligence systems.
I Study Collapsed Civilizations. Here’s My Advice for a Climate Change Apocalypse.
I am an archaeologist and a wilderness survival instructor. Because I study societies that have collapsed, and since I teach basic outdoor skills, people ask me about what to do in a natural disaster, social upheaval, or some apocalyptic event. Right now, much of that concern...
Black Worker, White Worker (1972)
In one department of a giant steel mill in northwest Indiana a foreman assigned a white worker to the job of operating a crane. The Black workers in the department felt that on the basis of seniority and job experience, one of them should have been given the job, which...
3 Principles to End the Polarization of Society and Create a Healthy Culture
The Theory of Enchantment by Chloé Valdary is a framework that seeks to end polarization in our society by teaching communities how to be in relationship with one another.
A Decolonial Critique of Intersectionality
"Intersectionality calls for the recognition of multiple forms of oppression and exploitation and the need for solidarity. These are ideas that should be supported by everybody. So where does the need come from to criticize the concept of intersectionality from a decolonial...
The Promise of Biomimicry
The Biomimicry Institute presents a new 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that introduces biomimicry as a way of living for everyday people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.
How an Ad Man Became a Post-Growth Advocate
I made my way from the dark side to the light. And I hope it wasn’t too late.
Action in the Anthropocene: The Inevitable Transition Requires We Go Beyond Activism
In the face of economic, social, and ecological breakdown, the inevitable transition is comming. And what it requires from us is beyond the realms of 'activism'.
How to Have a Good Conversation | Celeste Headlee
When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have great conversations – and most of us don’t converse very well.
How Faux-Feelings Are Sabotaging Your Communication Efforts
Getting in touch with our feelings and sharing "I-statements" is a known strategy for communicating nonviolently and bettering our chances of being heard.
Can Beauty Save Our Planet? | Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan is all in on beauty. After photographing sea birds dying by the dozens from consuming bits of plastic, Chris had a revelation: It was time to refocus in his lens on the awesome beauty of the planet.
Over 300 'How to Guides' to Help You Bring a More Beautiful World into Being
We can create the more beautiful world we want for ourselves and future generations with a simple and powerful idea: "sharing"
Beyond Sustainability? — We Are Living in the Century of Regeneration
Valuing Ecosystem Function higher than material things is the paradigm shift that determines whether we understand the meaning of our lives and survive or whether we remain ignorant and selfish and destroy our own habitat trying to gain more wealth or more power. If we reach...
Return Political Conversation to Principles, Not Identities
Focusing on identities in our political conversations is divisive and restrictive. How can we shift the conversation back to principles?
Army Veteran Joe Glenton on Class War & War on Iran
“The people who do most of the dying are people from the poorest backgrounds”
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Speaking Up (or Listening)
As a child, I was the shy kid who kept to herself. I rarely shared my inner world with others outside my close friendship circle, and even as an adult, my auto-default is still to hold my tongue.
Five Ways to Curb the Power of Corporations and Billionaires
We need to rein in the destructive power of corporations and billionaires before it’s too late. These five ideas would do that, while leaving global capitalism intact. Ultimately, only a complete transformation of our economic system will save our future, but these proposals...
Harnessing Pain and Burning It as Fuel for the Revolution
Many of us with radical politics likely formed them in response to histories of trauma and abuse – sometimes in the form of discrete, identifiable traumatic events, sometimes in the form of cumulative interpersonal micro-traumas (e.g. rejections, invalidations, humiliation...
The River of Vision - On the Works of Daniel Quinn, Author of Ishmael
Timothy Scott Bennett director of the film What A Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire and author of the novel All of The Above shares his thoughts on the works of Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael, The Story of B, Beyond Civilization and other novels. 
The Political Economy of Anti-Racism
This essay originated as a kind of stump speech, an effort to spell out and update an argument about the uses of anti-racism and anti-discrimination that I’ve been making for some time to audiences that might or might not be familiar with it. The idea of publishing some...
Black Politics After 2016
Many pundits and scholars have remarked on how the 2016 election reflected the significance of race in American politics. One strain of commentary to that effect contends that Trump’s election revealed a deep commitment to racism among white voters, especially working-class...
Resilience, the Global Challenge, and the Human Predicament
We face a perfect storm of environmental, social, technological, economic, geopolitical and other global stressors. These global stressors interact in unpredictable ways. The pace of future shocks is increasing. The prospect for civilizational collapse is real. We need to...
The Silent Summer: Why Are Insects Dying?
For well over 400 million years, insects have played an essential role in the evolution of our ecosystem. While many may take them for granted, their extinction could spell catastrophe for the planet at large. Sadly, this scenario is currently playing out across the...
Control is a Trap
At the root of many mental health problems is experiential avoidance. As touched upon in a previous entry, experiential avoidance is trying to avoid, suppress, or get rid of certain private experiences (i.e. emotions, physical sensations, thoughts, memories), regardless of...
Free Speech and Decentralization | A Response to Contrapoints & Three Arrows
This video about free speech and decentralization is a response to Contrapoints and Three Arrows as well as an exploration of today's debate about the importance of freedom of speech on the Internet and college campuses. It also explores the possibilities of the new...
Yes, You Can Change Someone's Mind
There’s something fascinating about stories that recount a major change of heart. Like the one of C.P. Ellis, a White member of the KKK, and Ann Atwater, a Black community activist, who in 1971 were thrown together as co-chairs of a group focused on school desegregation in...
It's Taken Thousands of Years, but Western Science Is Finally Catching up to Traditional Knowledge
Our knowledge of what the denizens of the animal kingdom are up to, especially when humans aren’t around, has steadily increased over the last 50 years. For example, we know now that animals use tools in their daily lives. Chimps use twigs to fish for termites; sea otters...
Converting Businesses to Cooperatives Just Got Easier
A coming wave of Baby Boomer retirements threatens the survival of many small businesses. This initiative is making employee-ownership a more viable option.
Fighting for Reforms Isn't Enough. It's Time We Reach for Prison Abolition.
Our communities cannot be safe within a system that fights harm with greater harm.
Living the Questions: Questions, More than Answers, are the Pathway to Collective Wisdom
[…] have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and do try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able...
School Circles: Every Voice Matters
School Circles is an independent documentary that explores the practice of democratic schools in the Netherlands. The film shows students, teachers and staff members coming together to dialogue, discuss proposals, mediate conflicts and make decisions about their school life.
An Intro to the Story of Separation
"What we take for the reality outside of ourselves can be understood as a story we're telling ourselves about who we are and how the world works." - Charles Eisenstein
Envisioning The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
"I use the phrase the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible because our minds think it's impossible." - Charles Eisenstein
Andrew Yang's Powerpoint Presentation
Andrew Yang speaks to voters in a town hall at Ames, Iowa, with a powerpoint presentation to help him present his blueprint for a new way forward for America. 
7 Pointed Questions for Corporate Media About Their Anti-Progressive Biases
Over the last year, corporate outlets have continuously portrayed progressive reforms as scarily left-wing despite poll after poll showing they are broadly popular.
Making a Killing: How Politicians & the Arms Trade Collude to Take us to War | Andrew Feinstein
From Iraq to Iran, Andrew Feinstein explores the revolving door between Washington & the Arms Trade that leads to endless war.
The Problem with Cancel Culture | Ayishat Akanbi
“We undermine how easy it is for us to become the people that we dislike” - Ayishat Akanbi
If Worker Pay Had Kept Pace With Productivity Gains Since 1968, Today's Minimum Wage Would Be $24 an Hour
In such a world, a full-time minimum wage worker would be earning $48,000 a year in the United States.
Why You Should Take a Chance on the Socialist
The media is trying very hard to send a certain presidential campaign down the memory hole. They omit it from infographics. They decline to report its policy announcements (like the excellent Thurgood Marshall Plan for public education, 
Killer Mike: '"I'm with the Revolutionary"
"The policy of Sanders' campaign, much like the Poor People's Campaign of Dr. King, or Eugene Debs' campaign 100 years ago before him, it is aligned for all people." –Killer Mike 
Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism
Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data.
Humane: a New Agenda for Tech
This 44-min talk, which was delivered to 300 top technologists and activists, walks through a detailed diagnosis of the problem with modern technologies and offers a path forward.
The Madness of Fossil Fuel Subsidies
A system worried about global warming and the health impacts of air pollution should stop aiding companies that produce those public threats, writes Niklas Hagelberg.
Hear the Bern Episode 40 | Joe Biden's Record (w/ Krystal Ball & Josh Fox)
Briahna Joy Gray sits down with the Hill's Krystal Ball and filmmaker Josh Fox to dissect Joe Biden's record on criminal justice, climate change, foreign policy, trade, and more.
The Plot to Attack Iran: Myths, Oil and Revolution
Abby Martin sits down with Dan Kovalik, human rights attorney and author of the book “The Plot to Attack Iran,” to discuss the context of Trump’s recent attacks, the most common myths about the country, and the histor
A Biden Nomination Means a Second Trump Term
I remember when I began to feel dread that Donald Trump would win in 2016. It was when I saw Hillary Clinton shimmy in the first Presidential debate. Trump was managing to attack her from both the left and right while scoring laugh lines, and Clinton met his comically...
Wealth in the Age of We – Charles Eisenstein
What is wealth—not just spiritual wealth but material wealth—as we move past the world-story of domination, competition, and control? How can we practice it now?
How Much Good Can One Person Really Do?
One of the reasons the world is in the state that it is, is because everybody mortgages what is really pulling at their heart to do something abstract. For the thing that they think they have to do for the numbers to work out. - Charles Eisenstein
How Psychedelics Work: Fire the Conductor, Let the Orchestra Play | Michael Pollan
Michael Pollen explains the ego's "location" in the brain: It would be the default mode network, where much of your self-critical mind chatter happens. Taking psychedelics down-regulates this brain network.
The Deceptive Promise of Free Trade
Is free trade truly free - and fair? What roles do US President Trump, economic powerhouse China, and the EU play in global trade? When it comes to global trade, it would seem that trickery, threats and deception are the order of the day - yet all this takes place largely...
On the Politics of 'Believing Women'
What we've seen as a result of Warren's statement is further perversion of the language of abuse and victimhood in a context it was never meant to be used.
It Is Clear the Establishment and Corporate Media Would Prefer Trump Reelection to President Bernie Sanders
"One of Sanders' campaign slogans is 'Not me. Us.' That thought literally needs to become reality if Sanders is to address the challenges that await him."
Healing From Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation
HEALING FROM HATE examines the root causes of hate group activity through the bold work of those battling intolerance on the front lines, including Life After Hate, an organization founded by former Skinheads and neo-Nazis, now engaged in transforming attitudes of...
The New Feudalism
Are Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos the new feudal elite? Anand Giridharadas talks to INET President Rob Johnson about how the titans of Silicon Valley use “philanthropy” to control more of our lives.
The Limits of Capitalism
At this point in human history, the limits of capitalism and the limits of our species’ life on Earth have converged. We have never been here before, and we cannot go back.
What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like
We have a decade to transform the US economy to stave off climate catastrophe, and Bernie Sanders has the only agenda to do so and the only mobilization strategy to get it done. No plan for a better future is worthwhile if environmental crisis renders our future unimaginably...