1,501-1,560 of 10,402
Why We Need to Move Closer to King's Understanding of Nonviolence
Nonviolence is not simply the absence of violence, but about taking a proactive stand against violence and injustice, and working to repair the harm.
Six Rules for Organizing a Grassroots Regeneration Revolution
We must think, act and organize locally, while simultaneously cultivating a global vision and global solidarity.
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
The culture wars give the oligarchs, both Democrats and Republicans, the cover to continue the pillage.
Beware the Bipartisan Legion of Doom: Corporate Democrats and Trump's GOP
There is no more daunting and dangerous duo in U.S. politics than the profits-over-people corporate wing of the Democratic Party and the belligerent, bigoted, and brutal Republican Party of Donald Trump.
INVISIBLE: A Rare Glimpse into the Life of an Undercover Investigator
"People need to see it." ‘INVISIBLE’ follows two undercover investigators, ‘Emily’ and ‘Sarah’ (their names have been changed to protect their identities), on a pig farm investigation in Europe, offering the viewer an unprecedented glimpse into a world that is deliberately...
Matriarchies Are Not Just a Reversal of Patriarchies: A Structural Analysis
Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchies, with women ruling over men – as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies are mother-centered societies. They are based on maternal values: care-taking, nurturing, mothering. This holds for everybody: for...
Iowa’s Vision of a More Beautiful World, 10 Years After Passing a Green New Deal
What would America's heartland be like, 10 years after we pass a Green New Deal?
We’ve Got a Better World in Mind - 8 Principles for a Beautiful Future
How to get from here to there in the next 10 years
How Do We Transform Education? | Nariman Moustafa
Most people sense that the conventional, industrial school system isn't working and that change needs to happen. But how do we transform education? In this video, Nariman Moustafa shares her "7Cs" framework for conceptualizing the bottom-up, radical shift that is taking place...
WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War (Narrated by Danny Glover)
WORTH THE PRICE? is a short documentary reviewing the role of then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) in leading the United States into the most devastating foreign policy blunder of the last twenty years.
We Need Electoral Reform — and a Whole Lot More
The United States would be much better off with a multiparty, proportional representation system. But we shouldn't delude ourselves that this “one quick fix” would root out the rot that pervades America's political economy.
The New Story Revolution: Over 75 Films & Articles About the Movement With Many Names
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Feminism and the Social Solidarity Economy: a Short Call to Action
The following text is a translation of Marian Díez‘s impassioned closing speech at the recent convergence meeting of the World Social Forum for Transformative Economies.
Internationalism or Extinction
Capital is coordinated and globalized. Our struggles against injustice and oppression must be the same.
Black Snow
Black Snow looks at the explosion at the Oaks Colliery in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, which despite being the world's worst industrial loss of life in the 19th century, was a tragedy that remained relatively unremembered until 2015, when a group of ex-miners, trade unionists...
'Toward a Brighter More Just Future': 100+ Black Writers and Scholars Endorse Bernie Sanders
"When so much is at stake, not only for Black people but for all people, and all life on the planet, we feel it imperative that we step outside of our classrooms and go beyond our campuses, to speak out on the current presidential election."
Princes, Prostitutes, Politicians and Bribes | Andrew Feinstein
Welcome to the Most Corrupt Industry in the World ☠️ Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade
Bernie Sanders Is the Unity Candidate
Despite the desperate smears from center-right opponents claiming he is "divisive," the reality is that Bernie Sanders’ policies are all about unity: common needs, mutual care, and a shared future.
Why the Russian Petro-State Is Actually Terrified of a Bernie Sanders Presidency: the Green New Deal
If millions of Americans started driving electric cars with Federal tax breaks and an end to gasoline subsidies, American petroleum demand would plummet.
Every Challenge Can Be Overcome: 6 Ideas for Getting Started
There is no time for hopelessness. Here are some ideas for what we can do – now – to fight back against the attacks we know are coming.
The Important Word in ‘Democratic Socialism’ Is ‘Democratic’
Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t talking about making America into Cuba or Venezuela. He’s talking about extending social guarantees like those offered in other advanced countries, such as Denmark and Sweden.
SAVING ASSANGE: Defending Wikileaks
SAVING ASSANGE is an archive-driven, compilation, internet documentary that uses extracts from news bulletins, broadcast programs, TV docs, talk shows and other online content to revise the Assange saga and argue the legal, moral and ethical case for Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
Shut Down Canada Until It Solves Its War, Oil, and Genocide Problem
Indigenous people in Canada are giving the world a demonstration of the power of nonviolent action. The justness of their cause — defending the land from those who would destroy it for short term profit and the elimination of a habitable climate on earth — combined with their...
Charles Eisenstein - Why We Need Community To Live In the New Story
In this excerpt from LOVE SCHOOL, author and visionary Charles Eisenstein speaks to the importance of surrounding ourselves with a supportive community that can give us the courage we need to step into the unknown, into new ways of being.
Trust Your Heart. Everything You Do Matters.
"This is a poignant situation. A woman is feeling pretty beat down in a pretty dark place who loves art, but shuts down when the question "what's the point?" inevitably creeps into her mind."- Charles Eisenstein
Be the Voice of the Voiceless | Joaquin Phoenix's Oscars Speech
"Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow." - River Phoenix 
Navigating Echo Chambers
The beliefs and stories that we hold are not the result of an independent choice by the neo-liberal separate self choosing from the marketplace of ideas. Belief is a collective function. The echo chamber effect can operate both ways. - Charles Eisenstein
On February 6th Antarctica Was Warmer Than Orlando, or Why I Support Only Sanders
Even if we elect a better-than-Trump, half-measures candidate, we're still not better off. Our grandchildren will curse us all the same.
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos
An inside look at how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos built one of the largest and most influential economic forces in the world — and the cost of Amazon’s convenience.
Radical Dharma – Interview with angel Kyodo williams (Podcast)
In this in-depth interview, Reverend angel Kyodo williams reflects on our widespread crisis of story, the failure of institutional religions to offer a new way forward, and her philosophy of Radical Dharma—a path to individual and collective liberation. A Sensei in the...
The Goal of Life is Not to Survive It |  Charles Eisenstein
With climate change and biodiversity loss worsening every day, we're all asking ourselves: will humanity survive?
How to Stop Poverty: Start a Worker-Owned Cooperative | Jim Brown
Why is chronic poverty tolerated in America? Is our economic system flawed? Through personal stories and insights, University of Alabama professor J. Palmer (Jim) Brown explores the problem of poverty and advocates a solution in worker ownership and cooperation.
“Economics Is Not Just About Money; It's About Our Holistic Well-Being as a Planet”
Nonty Charity Sabic is cofounder of the international Rise Ubuntu Network, based on “ubuntu”, an indigenous South African philosophy that aims to teach and collectively remember the connection shared between humans and nature. Based in Barcelona, Sabic is involved in...
Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives On Restoring Our World
INHABITANTS follows five Native American communities as they restore their traditional land management practices in the face of a changing climate. For millennia Native Americans successfully stewarded and shaped their landscapes, but centuries of colonization have disrupted...
How to Turn Your Brain From Anger to Compassion
Attention is like a spotlight—whatever it shines on becomes brighter in the mind. This knowledge can help us build compassion, says Paul Gilbert.
Language Keepers: The Struggle for Indigenous Language Survival in California
California once had more linguistic variety than all of Europe. “Language Keepers” is a 6-part series following four Indigenous communities in California who are working to revitalize their languages.
The End of the Corporation?
It’s time to make the profit-maximising, shareholder-controlled corporation obsolete.
Speaking of Nature
A CEMETERY SEEMED AN ODD PLACE to contemplate the boundaries of being. Sandwiched between the campus and the interstate, this old burial ground is our cherished slice of nearby nature where the long dead are silent companions to college students wandering the hilly paths...
Towards a Regenerative Cosmology: Re-Inhabitation, Re-Enchantment, Re-Indigenisation
The ‘design’ brief to redesign the human impact on Earth from predominantly exploitative and destructive to by and large regenerative and health-generating invites us to ask fundamental questions that define the story we tell about the world and our role in it. Innovating...
It's Not Thanks to Capitalism That We're Living Longer, but Progressive Politics
Ignore the usual fairytale. Democracy, unions, healthcare and education: these are the forces that matter
Karuk: Language of a River
Walking along the Klamath River in Northern California, Phil Albers reflects on the Karuk language and the ancestral land of the Karuk people that surrounds it. This film premiered in the fifth issue of Emergence Magazine on "Language" as part of the six-part multimedia story...
The Church Forests of Ethiopia: A Mystical Geography
Nearly all of Ethiopia’s original trees have disappeared, but small pockets of old-growth forest still surround Ethiopia’s churches, living arks of biodiversity amongst the brown grazing fields. In this film and essay, Jeremy Seifert and Fred Bahnson travel to Ethiopia to...
Corporations Would Literally Kill You to Turn a Profit
Coca-Cola killed trade unionists in Latin America. General Motors built vehicles known to catch fire. Tobacco companies suppressed cancer research. And Boeing knew that its planes were dangerous. Corporations don't care if they kill people — as long as it's profitable.
Bernie Sanders Faces a Media Rigged Against Him
CNN and CBS do it. NPR and PBS do it. They all do it.
In Our Hands: Seeding Change
Food and farming is in crisis. In just over a decade we’ve lost more than 33,000 farms from our countryside, and alongside this, bad diet is now causing more health problems than smoking! The fundamental link between people, food and the very land we stand on is being broken...
Reconciliation Is Dead: RCMP Invade Unist'ot'en Territory
Canada invades. Invades on behalf of industry. Invades during ceremony. Canada tears us from our land. Tears us from our families, from our homes. Takes our drums away. Takes our women away. Jails us for protecting the land, for being in ceremony, for honouring our ancestors.
The Plastic Problem
By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans. It’s an environmental crisis that’s been in the making for nearly 70 years. Plastic pollution is now considered one of the largest environmental threats facing humans and animals globally.
What Do We Want? Unbiased Reporting! When Do We Want It? During Protests!
The new decade is just days old, but in one respect it is already shaping up like the last one: with mass protests around the world. Rallies for democracy overseas and
Beyond Sustainability: A Call for Regeneration | Sierra Robinson
Sierra Robinson is a seventeen-year-old farmer, homeschooler, and environmental activist from Vancouver Island, BC.
Ten Steps That Transform Anger Into Compassionate Connection
Practicing Nonviolent Communication guides us to reframe the way we listen to others and express ourselves by focusing our consciousness on four areas: what we are observing, feeling, needing and what we are requesting to enrich our lives. In this context the word need...
The Invisible Ideology Trashing Our Planet
If you get into debt buying your child branded trainers, if you fear redundancy, if you suffer anxiety about the future of the planet and you blame yourself for all of these things then you are showing symptoms of drowning in the “insidious” and “sinister” ideology...
Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories
#1 Most scholars agree that the beginning of today’s struggle was the displacement of over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs by the Israeli military in 1948, which the Palestinians call “The Nakba”, meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic.
Regenerative Cultures, Regenerative Economics & Bioregional Regeneration
Some people are starting to talk about regenerative cultures as possible pathways towards a thriving future of people unfolding their unique potential within the context of the communities and regions they help to regenerate — cultures that are healthy, resilient and...
Ngali Na Mala Jugun (We Belong to This Country)
Two soulful members of the Bundjalung Tribe in Australia, explain with severity and grace, the nature of their relationship to the Earth, which is about belonging to it rather than owning it.
All I Ask Is That You See My Humanity, Which Means Seeing the Humanity in All People
With this foundation, I think we can have healthy disagreements.
Canceling | ContraPoints
Contrapoints' 100 minute video essay on "cancel" activism.
Krystal Ball Interviews Contrapoints on Her Blockbuster Cancel Culture Video
Natalie Wynn explains why cancel culture is harmful. Watch the full video essay here.
“Shit-Life Syndrome,” Trump Voters, and Clueless Dems
Getting rid of Trump means taking seriously “shit-life syndrome”—and its resulting misery, which includes suicide, drug overdose death, and trauma for surviving communities.
Bernie Sanders Isn't a Radical — He's a Pragmatist Who Fights to Un-Rig the System
Sanders would use both markets and government to reverse the upward redistribution of income to the already rich
Wall Street Invading Wet’suwet’en Territory
The uprising across Canada in support of Wet’suwet’en First Nation land defenders shows no sign of stopping. As of February 11, ports, bridges, rail lines, highways and roads have been blockaded across much of the country by solidarity protesters, who have also occupied the...