Jan 23, 2017

The Political Elite: Idiots... or Criminals?

By Michael Emero / filmsforaction.org
The Political Elite: Idiots... or Criminals?
I've been seeing a lot of people convinced that the DNC and all establishment Democrats are total idiots. How could they not be, when they sabotaged an easy win (Bernie) to prop up a hated, warmongering millionaire corporitist (Hillary), thus handing the election to an unqualified buffoon? It's really an easy explanation- they are not playing the same game as we are. Allow me to clarify.
The elite "liberals" feel that they don't have to clean up their act. They simply have to sponsor enough outrage at another target, bury reality under constant Russia-distraction corporate news cycles, continue maintaining cognitive dissonance by claiming they are 'fighting alongside the people', and eventually will become the new "lesser evil" again. After all, it's worked before plenty of times.
That's all this duopoly is; focus-grouped, insincere scripted P.R. maneuvering to play one side against the other, never actually changing their underlying agenda. 'Winning' for them is very different than 'winning' for us. If they ever actually did cut off their corporate funding and start acting on principles, the majority of our "representatives" would have zero reason to be in politics any more.
That's the difference between ethical civil servants and career politicians- the first acts based on the greater good of the many, prioritizing representation over profit; the latter is after the money and power, only using superficial idealism to appease the masses. To see whom we have more of, simply check political bank accounts, record-low approval ratings, and our increasing wealth inequality.
Obama and Hillary were perfect examples of this. Sway enough ignorant people with empty words, and you can be Bush III yet still somehow heralded as "left", "progressive", and "Democratic". Our government truly is run as a corrupt business- political campaigns are really just mob-like startup ventures. Hence why all legislation protecting us from their conflicts of interest are incrementally eroded.
See, a shady group of con artists (of either party) colludes with powerful industry owners (including the military industrial complex, of course) generating enough support and pledged funding for a successful populace-soothing campaign of lies. Once enough useful idiots buy into the latest rhetoric (or just can be made to hate the opposition even more), they have 'won'- but only at our expense.
Nobody keeps campaign promises anymore, nobody is now held accountable- it's just a millionaire's game of creating a convenient narrative to allow them to do as they please. Until we all recognize that genuine trust and motives matter more than empty labels or orchestrated division, this farce of a system will not change. Power surrenders nothing willingly, and why change what still works?
That is the real movement we're seeing going on, worldwide and right here in our troubled nation. Dishonesty and the consumerist apathy that allows it have de-legitimized our own power structure. Worse, it has cheapened human life, normalized profitable death, and is currently destroying the only planet we have to live on by insanely valuing power and green pieces of paper over facts and long-term survival.
This anti-establishment populist movement is a class war for the continuation and fair treatment of our species. Those in positions of power have had plenty of opportunity to enact justice, but have instead chosen to pursue duplicity and greed. The unsustainable status quo must end by whatever means becomes necessary- not because it is easy, but because it is right. Legalized oppression is still wrong.
When living under an oligarchy, never ascribe to incompetence what is actually caused by layers of blatant systemic corruption. Criminals will always get away with whatever they can, and never stop until they no longer have a choice. With no transparency or valid oversight left in our hijacked government, it falls on every one of us, We the People, to ensure elitist domestic terrorism is finally ended.
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