Feb 27, 2017

Reassessing America's Political Landscape

By Michael Emero / filmsforaction.org
Reassessing America's Political Landscape
Showmanship is easy. Distractions, scandals, and demagoguery have now become routine. But what the populace wants, what it needs and what it has every right to demand, is Honesty and Substance- things that neither controlling party's operating models can provide any more.

Now that the Democrats have (s)elected their latest unrepentant Clinton lackey and protoge of Neoliberal corporatism for the spot of DNC Chair-- in a secretive unrecorded vote, no less, to avoid any inconvenient individual accountability-- many abandoned voters are currently left considering their options going forward.

While there is definitely something to be said for this "takeover" approach, it ignores a few essential points- such as any historical perspective, or learning any lessons from the past. Perhaps years ago democratic takeovers were genuinely possible; but those still believing that routine protocol can enact change are plain gullible. Allow me to clarify exactly what I mean...

Working within the Democratic party, simply because of how it has been structured, is to continue giving it legitimacy and support. So while individuals may mistakenly appraise today's situation as some drawn-out political strategy task to 'wrestle control back from the elites', I see things a bit more seriously than our oligarchs and their sponsored media portray it to be.

Join me if you've heard this one: Our wealth inequality is at Great Depression levels. Our kids' futures and quality of life is now going down. Banks are bailed out whilst we the citizenry lose everything. Laws are being ignored and changed, as needed, simply to retain established power and control. War and injustice keep escalating.

The approval ratings for all government, including those currently in the White House, continue to hit record lows. We can chart the clear path over this past decade or two that led us here, and many Democrats who were key players or benefited off it are still part of the existing power structure. Families like the Clintons have become mob entities, trading favors and wealth instead of being representatives to the American people. Our options are dictated to us, forced on us, yet still we claim global superiority from the false label of supposed "Democracy".

They will not let us vote their power away. They cannot be shamed, they cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be made to care about the ideals and principles that are genuinely an anathema to all their for-profit, for-power, for-corporatism orchestrations of corruption. Seriously, why should they? Our approval and contentment have become remote secondary motives to their own goals.

Once more, with feeling: We the People lack any form of legitimate representation. We're currently being held hostage under this double regime of domestic terrorists destroying our laws, lives, and lands. They'll never let us vote them away- unhindered by ethics, all oversight and interferance is preventable.

We've seen that exemplified over and over again throughout this past year. The only thing the Democrats are willing to be is slightly, superficially better than a Republican. No more than required, just not as bad as the 'other guys'. That's the job now; retaining 'Liberal' voting bases by whatever contrived means possible while simultaneously pursuing the center-right policies that created and protect this system of pay-to-play politicking.

We cannot continue to play by the same broken rules, the same structure, the same patterns we always fall into. They plain don't work. If we want to organize, it should in be the formation a new party- but make it one of fighters speaking plain truths, who call out oligarchy instead of catering to it. Champions of justice, not of the stockholders or the for-profit military industrial complex.

The wishy-washy non-message of establishment manipulation must be made irrelevant- even more so than any third parties. Treat both minority cabals as the interloping bad jokes they are, until the very name Democrat or Republican is synonymous with pure corruption. Mock them. Expose them all. Reject the abusive relationship they have implemented and still expect us to protect despite them going directly against the majority's best interests.

That's how we win- facilitating their irrelevance. Pulling no punches, ceasing all excuses for their duplicity, stopping any false hope in their latest lawyeristic duplicitous confidence men. Their job is not to serve us, but to scam us; admitting that truth is the actual first step towards a representative government. To do anything else is self-defeatism, hiding under ignorant denial.

I say we burn them both down, equally. The people of this country have been caught between each side playing off each other from the day we all were born. But just because it has always been that way doesn't mean it must always be. We can and must demand actual democracy, with transparency and equal accountability.

Both minority yet controlling parties stay in power by framing themselves as the only paths to any change. They stay in control because we've been lifelong-conditioned to let them be; criminal non-representation has been normalized. Correct the false barrier, and rational positive changes can start occurring again naturally.

That's what we're actually facing- all long overdue healthy growth and maturity are currently being falsely held back due to the 1%'s profit defenses or sponsorship's fear. This is no longer governance, merely managing public relations via the media with increasingly less and less success. We must rise above to stop being its victims.

I don't see this ending without mass civil disobedience. That's not a worst case scenario, just one learned from history. Power concedes nothing willingly. Real change isn't from keeping two private, proven con artist entities as our options; real change is eliminating them totally and replacing that destructive system with a better one. We have the ability, we have the means; just the political will is lacking, because those in power refuse to surrender it. It's come time to stop allowing them that choice over our lives and country.

This corporate stranglehold over our government either ends, or we do. It's that simple. The DNC knows it, and plays by those rules; so shouldn't we recognize it as well? And under this reality, with all due respect, how can we waste energy on four-year takeover strategies? When any private organization adjusts or violates its own bylaws to thwart representative justice, how is it rational to try redeeming it?

A new party with a clear message generates hope. Battling all of the entrenched, just-reaffirmed Neocon tyrants on their own turf is not and cannot be a winning strategy. Should we next infiltrate ISIS and alter their agenda to one of peace? Or join the Third Reich, to bring them morality? Such examples may sound extreme, but no different in principle or practice. All are extremist organizations of violence.

Our government needs an overhaul. Both parties need to be called for what they are- corrupt business mobs, sponsored by and working for the highest bidder, primarily at our expense. That's what all lobbying actually is. That's why politicians have a revolving door for corporate employment, and become billionaires on government salaries. It's not some conspiracy theory, simply facts- successful politicians are puppets for sale. Corporations write our laws.

Whatever the Democratic party used to represent in history is just a hijacked empty legacy. It's now a pirate ship plundering the citizenry of their rights and opportunities, because it's become a successful business model. And whatever makes profit in America is defended, desperately, even when it becomes a sick parody of any original good intention. Even when it kills people.

It's not the just the parties, but the underlying principles which are motivating them that must be changed. If this country is to restore any respect and legitimacy-- we're currently seen abroad as dangerous and unstable children-- people must come before private profit. That's not a leftist view, nor even a humanitarian one- but a founding principle of this country we both live in.

The only paths forward are radical change or more of the same. Anyone who insists on saying otherwise is, with all due respect, suicidally fooling themselves. We have a civic, legal, and ethical obligation to do more than the provably ineffective minimums- if not for ourselves, than for humanity itself, for our children's future, and for any hope of sane, sustainable living on this planet.

That's reality. That's where we are. Convenient figurehead to lead us there or not, this is the task we all face ahead- together.

Enough is enough.

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