Matjaz added a video on May 10, 2017
Varanasi | Beyond Life
There really isn’t anything radically wrong with being sick or with dying. We can’t say that it’s a good thing for everything to go on living. In a very simple demonstration that if we enable everybody to go on living, we overcrowd...
Matjaz added an article on Jan 24, 2017
How Natural Is War to Human Beings?
If you look at the world today, and if you survey the human race’s recorded history, it’s easy to see our species as innately bloodthirsty and aggressive species. It seems as if warfare and brutality have been omnipresent, and are...
Matjaz added a video on Jan 19, 2017
Psychiatry | Science Or Pseudoscience?
Dr. Jeffrey Schaler Professor of Psychology describes psychiatry as a pseudoscience. Read comments from Psychiatrists, including the former chairman of the DSM task force admitting that there are no medical tests to confirm mental...
Matjaz added an article on Jan 4, 2017
Capitalism Is Collapsing -- and the Weird Thing Is That Nothing Is Rising to Replace It
Some anonymous wise person once observed that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. But Wolfgang Streeck, a 70-year-old German sociologist and director emeritus of the Max Planck Institute for the...
Matjaz added an article on Oct 12, 2016
Trump Perfectly Embodies Our Culture's Celebration of Greed, Narcissism and Sociopathy
For the most part I’ve chosen to ignore the day-to-day coverage of this election, to spare myself the pain and frustration of rubbernecking our trainwreck democracy. When I do tune in, I’m always disappointed at the level of social...
Matjaz added an article on Sep 17, 2016
Why Society Doesn't Change: the System Justification Bias
Society’s tendency is to maintain what has been. Rebellion is only an occasional reaction to suffering in human history: we have infinitely more instances of forbearance to exploitation, and submission to authority, than we have...
Matjaz added an article on Aug 29, 2016
What Are Democratic Schools?
Imagine a school where children and teenagers are accorded all the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship; where students truly practice, rather than just read about, the principles of free speech, free association, and...
Matjaz added a video on Aug 18, 2016
Beyond the Culture of Contest
Michael Karlberg is a professor in the Department of Communication at Western Washington University. He completed his Ph.D. in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. His research examines the...
Matjaz added an article on Aug 9, 2016
The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism
College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now they are being made to pay. Their duplicity—embodied in politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack...
Matjaz added a video on Aug 4, 2016
Why the U.S.A Should Attack Canada
Veteran Toastmaster, Lance Miller, presents a satirical talk about war and politics.
Matjaz added a video on Jul 26, 2016
SAMSKARA SHOW  | Virtual psychedelic trip
Now you can Enjoy a magic world of SAMSKARA fulldome show in VR format. This show is a result of collaboration between digital artist Android Jones and 360Art fulldome studio production powered by
Matjaz added an article on Apr 27, 2016
Play Makes Us Human: Hunter-Gatherers' Playful Parenting
Have you ever noticed how we, as a society, use agricultural metaphors to talk about parenting and education? We speak of raising children, just as we speak of raising tomatoes or chickens. We speak of training children, just as we...
Matjaz added an article on Apr 22, 2016
UN Report Finds Almost No Industry Profitable If Environmental Costs Were Included
If you haven’t been paying attention, I don’t blame you for at first not believing this. After all, companies go to great lengths to greenwash their image and present themselves as progressive and environmentally responsible, even while...
Matjaz added an article on Dec 12, 2015
Near-Extinct Amazonian Tribe so Connected With Nature They Reportedly Breastfeed Animals
A photographer has claimed he witnessed a close-to-extinction Amazonian tribe breastfeed their pets until the animals are fully grown.The Awa tribe reside in the forests of eastern Brazil, and face a possible end to their culture, due...
Matjaz added an article on Dec 7, 2015
Apocalyptic Capitalism
The charade of the 21st United Nations climate summit will end, as past climate summits have ended, with lofty rhetoric and ineffectual cosmetic reforms. Since the first summit more than 20 years ago, carbon dioxide emissions have...
Matjaz added an article on Dec 4, 2015
The Sad Truth About Today's Society Illustrated by Steve Cutts
Matjaz added an article on Oct 29, 2015
How Valid Is Evolutionary Psychology?
How a Caricature of Human Nature Leads Evolutionary Psychology Astray
Matjaz added an article on Sep 19, 2015
Slavoj Žižek: We Can’t Address the EU Refugee Crisis Without Confronting Global Capitalism
The refugees won’t all make it to Norway. Nor does the Norway they seek exist.
Matjaz added an article on Jun 15, 2015
6 Destructive Ideas Perpetuated in Western Culture
Since the day you emerged into this bizarre, sparkling universe, you’ve been conditioned to think in certain ways.
Matjaz added a video on May 29, 2015
Further Up Yonder: A Message from ISS to All Humankind
NASA Television shares this inspiring production by Italian videomaker, Giacomo Sardelli, about the International Space Station, its inhabitants, and its role in space exploration. Sardelli writes of the video, "I'm not the first one to...
Matjaz added an article on May 18, 2015
Does Money Make You Mean?
When my children were young we used to play the game Monopoly. This was one of my son’s favorite games. And mine. It got to the point where no one would play with us anymore. We were too tough, too ruthless. The games would go on...
Matjaz added an article on May 15, 2015
The Psychology of Religion: A Force For Good or Evil?
Is religion the source of conflict, or are deeper problems to blame? Militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins compare religion to a virus which infects human minds and turns potentially rational people into dogmatic automatons, willing...
Matjaz added a video on May 13, 2015
Maybe it's time to remember an old “WE MISS YOU” CORNELL ADAMS DANELL FORTSON director of photography JANN DÖPPERT production designer JILL SCHWARZER costume designer ANDY BESUCH editor BENJAMIN ENTRUP music by...
Matjaz added a video on May 12, 2015
7 Billion Others
Thousands of video interviews conducted around the world to draw a large portrait of humanity.
Matjaz added an article on May 11, 2015
Ecocide: The Psychology of Environmental Destruction
Recent scientific reports about climate change make grim reading. A paper published in The Economic Journal by the respected UK economist Lord Stern states that the models previously used to calculate the economic effects of climate...
Matjaz added an article on May 10, 2015
How Values Work
Following decades of research and hundreds of cross-cultural studies, psychologists have identified a number of consistently-occurring human values.
Matjaz added an article on May 8, 2015
Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education
Sometimes I find, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me and others feel, I have to speak the truth. We can use all the euphemisms we want, but the literal truth is that schools, as they generally exist in the United States and other...