421-480 of 4,483
I Must Return The Gift: How Joy Is an Essential Ingredient for Activism
Woven together with excerpts from Robin Wall Kimmerer's seminal "Braiding Sweetgrass," this immersive short film grounds viewers into concepts of indigenous wisdom, the power of spending uninterrupted time in nature, the spiritual dimension of environmental work, and how joy...
5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison reveals his picks for the 5 most epic Earth healing projects in the world.
SHOCK Video: George W Bush ADMITS He's A War Criminal In Freudian Slip!
Gotta agree with Bush on this one. Putin is a war criminal, and so is Bush.
Humanity Is Not A Parasite
Misanthropic, borderline ecofash narratives about humanity's relationship with nature have become way too common in discourse about climate change, highlighting the urgent and critical importance of a social ecological approach. 
Socialism for Absolute Beginners
You've probably heard the word "socialism" in the media. More often than not, it's used as a pejorative. Why is that? Is socialism really that bad, or is there something else going on? In this episode, we'll take a look at socialism at the very surface level. This video is...
Let’s Replace Cancel Culture with Accountability | Sonya Renee Taylor
Sonya explores the impact of calling out and calling in people who have caused harm. She offers us a third alternative - “calling on”. We often think that discerning someone’s intent is instinctual when it is just not the case. Sonya proposes that those who are the source of...
People are Losing Faith in Democracy, What a Surprise!
People in positions of power do not care about YOU.
Honest Government Ad | 2022 Election (Season 2 Finale)
The Australien Government has made a final ad before the 2022 federal election and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
How To Keep Your Heart Open In Hell | Ram Dass
Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip in 1967, when he traveled to India. In India, he met...
A Healthy Economy Should be Designed to Thrive, Not Grow | Kate Raworth
What would a sustainable, universally beneficial economy look like? "Like a doughnut," says Oxford economist Kate Raworth. In a stellar, eye-opening talk, she explains how we can move countries out of the hole -- where people are falling short on life's essentials -- and...
The Art of Slowing Down Time
Emma Ringqvist leaves the stress of modern life behind and spends 164 days alone on the Atlantic Ocean in a small sail boat. This film includes poetry from Stephen Jenkinson, recorded and arranged by Gregory Hoskins. It also features artwork from Daniel Beerstecher's Land...
What If We Just...Stopped Working?
Ever think about how the average person is orders of magnitude more productive than workers of the past, and yet our work week hasn't gotten any shorter? What's the deal? In this week's episode, we're looking at the idea of "work," and how it's been so thoroughly polluted by...
How Devils Heal Forests | Rob Brewster
Foxes and cats have devastated the trophic cascade balance in the Australian ecosystem. The reintroduction of Tasmanian Devils is being utilized to protect bandicoots, bettongs, and potaroos. These small animals are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The trophic...
To The Ones Consumed By Darkness
Each of us needs to examine our intentions and the energy inside us. Peace is possible when we focus on meeting our unacknowledged emotional needs, both individually and collectively. When we don't do that, we project and externalize our hatred and anger - our darkness - on...
The Creative Genius of the Extinction Symbol Explained
Here’s the story of how Extinction Rebellion's symbol spread around the world and became an icon in just a few years.
Wake Up Child - A Short Film on Intimacy with Nature
In these times of great transitions, Mother Earth speaks to us in a call for empowerment and greater intimacy with Her as a way to a Regenerative Future. This is an invitation to join the movement for a Transformative Culture, a culture where being part of Nature is our...
Why Everywhere in the US is Starting to Look the Same
On the homogenization of American cities...
How the Ukraine War Exposes Western Racism | Peter Oborne
“War is ok, something you can sing & dance about when it happens in Muslim countries, but deadly serious when it happens in Europe”
Sal Y Cielo
Why We Need Climate Hope
Radical climate hope, explained.
Hustle Culture Is Worse Than You Think
I tried "hustle culture" for 3 years, and then stopped. Here's what I've learned. - Struthless
Inaction Is A Slow Death
There's the pain of action and the pain of inaction. Here's why the second is far worse.
A Path Away From War | The Science Of Peace Systems
Many people think, “There always has been war and there always will be war.” But scientific evidence shows that some societies have successfully shunned war by creating peace systems.
How Feel Good Stories Let A Broken System Off The Hook
We've all seen those "heartwarming" stories about kids with cancer selling lemonade to pay for their chemo, or janitors being gifted a car because they've walked ten miles to work every day for twenty years, or all the other sugar-coated dystopian failures of our capitalist...
Get Back To Your True Self | Dr. Gabor Mate
Dr. Gabor Mate talks about being alienated from people, work, nature, and most importantly from our true selves. Gabor Mate tells us that we need to regain connection with ourselves to be who we truly are.
How To Overthrow The Illuminati | A Video Guide with a Twist
Illuminati Theory is a conspiracy theory often used to explain the corruption that pervades the systems that dominate us. But is it a useful or accurate explanation? Or is there a better alternative? The truth is out there. Let's find it. - Saint Andrewism
The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)
The Story of Plastic pulls back the curtain on the plastic pollution headlines, revealing the true causes and consequences of the global plastics crisis.
How to Optimize Your Gut and Brain Bacteria | Dave Asprey
The importance of the microbiome has really come to the fore in the last five years. Viome, a company that analyzed the feces of 100,000 people, has discovered 10,000 new types of gut bacteria. Additionally, improved imaging technology led scientists to discover you don't...
Talking Masculinity with the 'Most Dangerous Therapist in the World' | Jerry Hyde
Jerry Hyde is a shadow therapist with 25 years clinical experience, who rejects many of the conventionally held views of the mainstream psychotherapy world. He works primarily with men, and has run men's groups for decades, which have years-long waiting lists to join. He has...
Whitewashing 101: How To Rewrite Black History
"It's Black History Month, so it's about time we talked about the recuperation of Black radicals like Dr. King and Nelson Mandela. Everyone and their mother likes to claim MLK as their own, and use his words as a rhetorical weapon, but what did he actually believe? This one...
A Gathering of the Tribe | POWERFUL Short Film by Charles Eisenstein
"This story made me cry the first time I read it in Charles Eisenstein’s book, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible” and every time I have watched it since. Because to me, it is a true story. Whether actually true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter. It...
LOCAL: A Story Of Hope
LOCAL: A Story Of Hope, examines the root causes of our social and environmental crises - the global economy - and proposes a call to action: “re-regulate the big and global – rebuild the small and local”. The controversial message is delivered by three strong voices - Helena...
Don’t Chase Happiness. Become Antifragile | Tal Ben-Shahar
Antifragility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the system or human actually grows bigger and stronger. Antifragile systems are all around us. One example of this is our muscular system. We go to the gym to lift weights. By doing so we are putting...
The Film Mark Zuckerberg Does Not Want You to See | Johann Hari
“Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”
Don’t Look Up – A Problematic Metaphor For Climate Change?
A critical review of Adam McKay’s Don’t Look Up.
Why Student Debt Is So Hard to Forgive
Americans are currently burdened with about 1.57 trillion dollars of student debt, and that number is climbing rapidly. For many, a lifetime of debt has become the painful reality of life in the United States. Why? What happened to make this country, and this economic system...
Your "Carbon Footprint" Is A Scam
If you get tired of being told that climate change is all your fault because you eat meat, don't use paper straws, or drive a car, this video is for you. While there are things we can all do to reduce our personal greenhouse gas emissions, the idea of the "individual carbon...
How Capitalism Destroys Radical Movements
Movements like Black Lives Matter often start out as radical demands for change, but somewhere along the way they get consumed, defanged, and turned into meaningless symbols. How does this happen? 
A Fistful of Rubbish ($1)
A Western environmental documentary, "A Fistful of Rubbish" is set in the Tabernas Desert in Spain - Europe's only desert. An area known for being the backdrop of many famous Western films, sadly is being trashed. But now, with the help of some locals, an unexpected cowboy is...
Three Sisters, Women of High Degree
Three Sisters, Women of High Degree is the result of 7 years of collaboration and filmed conversations between three Yimardoowarra Marninil, Nyikina women from the Fitzroy River, Lucy Marshall, Jeannie Warbie, and Anne Poelina, and French-Australian filmmaker Magali McDuffie. 
System Fail #9 - Chile: the Frontline Against Neoliberalism
CW: Includes discussion about sexual assault, torture, and scenes of police brutality. English and Spanish, with hard-coded English subtitles.
The Tipping Point that will DESTROY the World | George Monbiot
“I doubt that 1% of people really understand what we’re facing: the prospect of systematic environmental collapse” - George Monbiot
The Religious Wars of the Pandemic Endgame | Rebel Wisdom
One of the biggest problems with talking about something as vast and impactful as the pandemic is to find the right level of analysis. In this epic piece, Rebel Wisdom looks at the deeper religious and theological forces playing out below the surface of our day-to-day...
Forest Condominium is Ecosystem of 150 Trees, 60+ Apartments
With 150 trees sprouting across 5 floors of terraces, balconies, and roof gardens, apartment complex "25 Verde" in Italy rises like a giant treehouse, a forest-building ecosystem combining geothermal energy, water reuse, and natural cooling.
Why I OPPOSE Vaccine Mandates, COVID Passports & Big Pharma | Jeremy Corbyn
And why that doesn't make me Anti-Vax - Jeremy Corbyn
How Hollywood Sells Us War
Ever notice how just about every single depiction of the US military on film and TV is positive? There's a reason for that. Come learn about just how long the military has been "adjusting" Hollywood scripts, and what that means for us as a society.
Why American Fascism Is On The Rise
It should be common knowledge that the troubling undercurrent of outright fascism has been becoming more and more mainstream over recent years. With new fascist and Neo-nazi groups popping up all the time, and with their rhetoric becoming ever more grotesque and anti-human, I...
How Left Is The American Left...And Why Didn't Socialism Catch On Here?
Every minute of every day, the media and most Americans yell about how the Democrats are going "too far left." For the rest of the world, this is an absurd statement, but the average American believes it...why? In this episode, we're talking about the Democrats, how left-wing...
Tribes and Trance
Filmmaker Jessica Devnani travels to Tribal Gathering, a “conscious festival” in Panama that combines indigenous knowledge with modern day electronic music. Through speaking with attendees and tribe members, she investigates the connection between ancient and modern cultures...
Native Hawaiians Fight US Navy for Polluting Island’s Water
Under the cover of pre-dawn darkness, Native Hawaiians surprised the gates of the US Navy Command with a civil disobedience action over the Red Hill fuel leak. Empire Files producer Mike Prysner was on the ground. Support the efforts to Shut Down Red Hill! 
Is It Time to Change Course on Covid? | William Eden
What are we getting wrong with Covid, and what does it mean to adapt to it becoming an endemic disease? William Eden is a biotech and healthcare investor who has been paying close attention to the progress of the pandemic from many different angles. He recently posted a viral...
How "Moderates" Serve The Right
This week we're talking about everyone's favorite grillpilled neighbor - the American "centrist" or "moderate". As much as they like to see themselves as enlightened arbiters of progress, centrists are little more than spoilers for actual democratic progress at best, and...
What is Trauma? The Author of “The Body Keeps the Score” Explains
In Part 1, Bessel van der Kolk talks about trauma. In Part 2, he talks about 6 ways to heal trauma without medication.
230 People LIVING COMMUNALLY: Tour of Ithaca EcoVillage
The EcoVillage at Ithaca was established in 1991 and has become a mature communal village with three neighborhoods developed on 10% of the land with 90% of the land devoted to farmland and natural areas. Given that we're interested in communally living at Flock, we took quite...
How American Workers Are Losing Billions
You've probably heard the term "wage theft" before, but do you know just how big a problem it is? In the US, wage theft dwarfs all other kinds of theft combined. Let's take a look at why this is happening and try to understand the underlying problems that enable it.
Hawaii Emergency: Navy Poisons Drinking Water
The US Navy has poisoned the largest water supply in O'ahu, Hawaii. Nobody knows how long residents have been drinking toxic water, how big the chemical leak is, or how many it will impact. But instead of urgent action to save lives, the Navy is engaging in a cover up.
The Spyware on Your Phone that could End Democracy | George Monbiot
“One of the most fundamental attacks on democracy & human rights ever invented”
CASH-IN COP-OUT - The COP26 Glasgow Climate Summit
CASH-IN COP-OUT tells how Glasgow’s COP26 climate summit notched-up yet another year of talks that failed to find a solution to the climate emergency. Thousands converged at COP26 with polarised objectives. Businesses sought deals to cash-in from the climate crisis. Thousands...