1,861-1,920 of 10,402
Look Up: A Video With One Powerful Message For Us All
Everyone should watch this at least once. This short video by Gary Turk is a reminder of the effects of social media on our society. By connecting online, we are disconnecting offline. What are we missing from life as a result? What critical moments do we miss that we didn't...
People In France Are As Mad As Hell And They're Not Going To Take This Anymore
All over France people are rising up. A clip from the film Network is followed by footage of the protests, strikes and riots sweeping across France. Read more here. 
Predatory Romance in Harrison Ford Movies
Harrison Ford has played some of the most iconic male heroes ever to appear on film. Many of his most popular characters antagonize women, disregard basic ideas of consent and ultimately force themselves on their love interests. Although each movie attempts to frame these...
How China Is Changing Your Internet
In China, a sheltered internet has given rise to a new breed of app, and American companies are taking notice. What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse at the future.
Donald Trump: A History of Violence
Please watch this video through to the end. Those who support Trump and the ignorant, violent hostility he intentionally fosters have no place calling themselves patriots. This is beyond politics. Trump is toxic. Trump is the only presidential candidate to have openly...
The Story of Solutions: Why Making Real Change Starts with Changing the Game
The Story of Solutions explores how we can move our economy in a more sustainable and just direction, starting with orienting ourselves toward a new goal. In the current 'Game of More', we're told to cheer a growing economy -- more roads, more malls, more Stuff! -- even...
Poison Fire
Poison Fire, a documentary exposing oil and gas abuses in Nigeria and featuring Friends of the Earth Nigeria volunteers, was launched with a world premiere at the prestigious International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam (IDFA) Nov 20-30.
Steady-State Economics: It's The Answer To The Failed Endless-Growth Paradigm
What is a steady-state economy and how could it positively impact human behavior and our survival on the planet? 
Man Kills Himself Holding 'Tax The 1%' in Front of Capitol-and Nobody Hears About It
When 64-year-old Vietnam vet John Constantino burned himself to death on the DC Mall in October of 2013 I couldn’t stop thinking about this man and his act. Who was he? What compelled him? What was his life’s story? What were his political views, his life’s station, etc?  I...
Syria's War: Who Is Fighting and Why
After four-plus years of fighting, Syria's war has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced 12 million people. And, though it started as a civil war, it's become much more than that. It's a proxy war that has divided much of the Middle East and has drawn in both Russia...
The Broken Century
Welcome to the fake society. The world is dying. This is humanity... - James Scotmore
It's Hopeless, What a Relief! (A Letter for the Hopeless)
If it makes sense to feel hopeless about the future, maybe what we need right now is some 'profound nonsense.'
Promises (2002) (trailer)
Promises presents a powerful portrait of seven Palestinian and Israeli children who live in and around Jerusalem. As filmmaker B.Z. Goldberg, who was raised in Israel, notes, “They live no more than 20 minutes from each other, but they are each growing up in very separate...
Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition
This video sheds light into the nature of love, relationships, the "New Age" movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of "conspiracy theories", psychopathy, and the importance of esoteric self-work. "Love...
The Story of Cosmetics
The Story of Cosmetics examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced by Free Range Studios and hosted by Annie Leonard, the eight-minute film reveals the implications for consumer and worker...
How Our Language Makes It Easy to Be Violent
We've been educated in a way that makes violence enjoyable. But it's so implicit in our thoughts we're not even aware of it. Click Part 2 above to continue watching at the point where the clip ends. Part 1 is an excerpt from The Basics of Nonviolent Communication with...
Size Matters: How Pirates & Emperors Are More Alike Than Different
Amazing short animated film in the style of school house rock shows what pirates and emperors share in common.
What the Economic Crisis Really Means, and What We Can Do About It
Doing It Ourselves aims to broaden understanding of the debt crisis and peak resources and encourage action for the sake of personal preparedness, happiness and ethical living. This animation sums up the key challenges facing our global society of credit crisis and...
Six Steps Short of War to Beat ISIS
Weakening ISIS requires eroding the support it relies on from tribal leaders, military figures, and ordinary Iraqi Sunnis. Here's how to do it without bombs.
Peter Joseph: Where Are We Now?
This 70 minute presentation by Zeitgeist/Zeitgeist: Addendum creator Peter Joseph was given on July 25th 2009 in London, and expands on the ideas presented in the Zeitgeist Movement Orientation Presentation. A must watch for those keeping up with the series of films.
Doing Time, Doing Vipassana
This is the story of an ancient meditation technique named Vipassana, which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good.
How Do I Know Good Can Overcome Ignorance, Spite and Hate? Because I've Seen It.
A tweet moves Rob Hopkins to share a personal experience from his family’s life.
If Factory Farms Had Glass Walls, We Wouldn't Even Be Having This Debate
Philip Wollen, a former vice president of Citibank turned founder of the Kindness Trust gives a passionate, emotive speech on the ethics of modern factory farming. Powerful. Just watch.
Who Killed Economic Growth?
Economists insist that recovery is at hand, yet unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. Richard Heinberg proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in its economic...
This Is The Video Future Generations Will Be Wishing Everyone Watched Today
The living earth is slowly being consumed by the human animals living on its surface. There are many drivers of the destruction being wrought, and many solutions we can pursue. One of the clearest drivers of deforestation, habitat loss and extinction is our insatable and...
A Short History of School
Very few people know the history of school. Nor do they know the real reason schools were established in the first place. Here's a short history of schools in the U.S. from the documentary Class Dismissed.
Sustainability in Exile: Tibetan Farmers Cultivating Compassion
Produced by Dr. Jonathan Scherch, Mr. Lobsang Tsering and a team of university students and professional advisors, the film builds on Scherch's and Tsering's sustainable agriculture and permaculture design projects over the years and introduces the challenges and...
The Promise of Biomimicry
The Biomimicry Institute presents a new 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that introduces biomimicry as a way of living for everyday people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.
The Electronic Storyteller: TV & the Cultivation of Values
George Gerbner clearly and comprehensively outlines the way in which the universal story-telling function of human societies has been colonized by corporate media. 
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices
Brave New Films exposes Wal-Mart's unscrupulous business practices through interviews with former employees, small business owners, and footage of Walmart executives.
6 Companies That Profit from the Police State (with Henry Rollins)
Henry Rollins profiles Prison Profiteers - six powerful institutions benefiting from locking up too many people for too long. 
On Modern Servitude
The central objective of this film is to reveal man's condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile system and to show the forms of mystification which mask his servile condition. Its aim is to attack head on the dominant world organization...
Street Politics 101
In the spring of 2012, a massive student strike in opposition to a tuition hike rocked the streets of the Montréal for over six months. Protest and militant street actions became part of the daily and nightly reality of this Canadian metropolis. Several times during this...
This Is What Magic Mushrooms Do To Your Brain
We're filing this under ‪#‎DrugProhibition‬ and ‪‎reasons‬ why this variety of mushroom should lose its schedule 1 status.
How to Create World Peace In 1000 Years Or Less
Ever wondered what it might take to rid the world of conflict and live in happiness forever? Well, the journey to world peace begins here, and ends with 1000 episodes of the SRSLY WRONG podcast.
The Story of Electronics
The Story of Electronics (2010) employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories...
Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism
For those who care about peace, equality and the future of the planet, the global political swing to the right over the past few years is deeply worrying. It has us asking ourselves, how did this happen? How did populism turn into such a divisive and destructive force? How...
Howard Zinn’s July 4 Wisdom Stands the Test of Time
'Is not nationalism—that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary so fierce it engenders mass murder—one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred?'
In 'Clear Violation of Domestic and International Law,' Trump Bombs Syria
"Strikes against the Syrian regime – without congressional input or authorization – shows a contempt for the U.S Constitution and is without legal justification."
Conscience of a Nation: Winter Soldier II
This film documents the shocking testimony of U.S. soldiers and their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. This film is in support of veterans against these wars. Support the troops by demanding an end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Support the film maker...
Americanism Personified: Why Fascism Has Always Been an Inevitable Outcome of the American Project
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." This quote, which has often been misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, is wise in recognizing the authoritarian potential of both nationalism and organized religion. In slight contrast, Professor...
The Problem of Passivity
This path calls us to gaze, unflinchingly, at difficult truths. The messy reality is that our cooperative participation in systems of oppression itself causes harm. And so we might be tempted to use meditation practice as a refuge from a world on fire and deny our part in it...
A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3: Maintaining the World Order
“Without doubt it is the best documentary I have watched – on any subject – in years” – Tom Secker []
Powerful Testimony - UK Veterans Speak Out Against War, For Peace
Veterans For Peace UK is an ex-services organisation of men and women who have served in every war that Britain has fought since WW2. Thier work involves: 
Death & Taxes: A Primer on War Tax Resistance
Why and how do people  refuse to pay for war? Where does the money go? What are the consequences? How does war tax resistance fit into one’s life? Twenty-eight people offer their motivations for and methods of resisting the war machine with their tax money. This tightly...
Free The Network
A documentary about the Occupy Wall Street, hacktivism, and the hackerstrying to build a distributed network for the Occupy movement and beyond.
Slam Poetry Trio Gives Powerful Performance on National TV about the Failures of Modern Education
"The greatest lessons are the ones you don't remember learning."  Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen, members of the Get Lit organization perform "Somewhere in America" on the The Queen Latifah Show.   
22,000 Years of Climate Change - The last 200 Are Shocking
A timeline of the earth's average temperature since the last ice age glaciation
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel's Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation
 - Hideous. Sadistic. Vicious. Murderous. That is how Noam Chomsky describes Israel's 29-day offensive in Gaza that killed nearly 1,900 people and left almost 10,000 people injured. Chomsky has written extensively about the Israel/Palestine conflict for decades.
Men of the world, women would like to thank you for your advice.
A Timeline of Climate Change Denial and the Special Interests that Have Funded It has compiled an incredible historic resource that documents the rise and escalation of the climate denial industry over the last 15 years. Without editorializing the content, these articles summarize 178 headlines (often with multiple news article sources...
FRONTLINE | College, Inc. | Season 2010 | Episode 9
The business of higher education is booming. It's a $400 billion industry fueled by taxpayer money. But what are students getting out of the deal? Critics say a worthless degree and a mountain of debt. Investors insist they're innovators, widening access to education.
Oh Canada - Our Bought & Sold Out Land
Dan Mathews reveals common misconception in how we deal with banks. Watch and laugh as Dan catches our politicians off guard with some simple questions. These questions are simple, but you'd be surprised who actually has trouble answering.
We've Got Syria All Wrong and Backwards
In the park today I saw a teenager watching two little kids, one of whom apparently stole a piece of candy from the other. The teenager rushed up to the two of them, reprimanded one of them, and stole both of their bicycles. I felt like it was my turn to step in at that...
Could a Wordless 1 Minute Film with the Music of Radiohead Change How You See This Animal?
This video is so simple, but the impression it left on me, looking into the eyes of this being left an indelible impression on me. What you are seeing is from the state of Pará, Brazil, where animals await their fates fearing any human approach. In Brazil, an ox is killed...
Marxism 101: How Capitalism Is Killing Itself With Dr. Richard Wolff
Despite a concerted effort by the U.S. Empire to snuff out the ideology, a 2016 poll found young Americans have a much more favorable view of socialism than capitalism. Though he died 133 years ago, the analysis put forward by one of the world's most influential thinkers...
The Banker Ladies
Created by the Diverse Solidarity Economies Collective, The Banker Ladies tells the stories of Ginelle, Aisha, and Mabinty, three Black women in Toronto creating diverse financial services for their communities through Rotating Saving and Credit Associations (ROSCAs).
1 Giant Leap: What About Me?
Through music and film, "1 Giant Leap" explores the universal complexities of human nature. Jamie Catto (Faithless co-founder) and Duncan Bridgeman set out on their journey recording musical jewels and words of wisdom with the cream of the world’s thinkers, writers and...
Earthships  -  The Ultimate Green Homes
Earthship is a concept of over 40 years and yet the first one ever built in Europe was in 2000. The idea is a trademark of Michael Reynolds — a US architect. In the 70s, Reynolds envisioned a home which would have three exciting traits — self sustainability, construction...