1,681-1,740 of 4,494
How to Differentiate Between Conspiracy Theories and Intelligent Scepticism
It can be easy, in certain moods, to suspect that we can trust no one and to feel the temptation of conspiracy theories. But we’d be wiser learning the art of an intelligent form of scepticism.
Is 'Political Correctness Gone Mad' a Lie?
The news is full of stories about how ‘the PC brigade’ is ruining British life, says Nesrine Malik. From Easter being banned to diversity drives ruining businesses, she says, politicians and the press fuel the false idea that diversity threatens all we know. But, she argues...
Buckminster Fuller In 3 Minutes
A short review of contributions from Buckminster Fuller.
The Unheard Story Of America's Undocumented Workers
AJ+ gives you a rare glimpse into the lives of hardworking undocumented immigrants making a difference.
They Live, We Sleep
A video essay on the enduring propheticism of John Carpenter's cult classic film THEY LIVE (1988). It was certainly a movie for its moment, but it's also quite resonant today and probably will be for the foreseeable future.
Turkey's Story Tells the World Just How Fragile Democracy Is
Writer Elif Shafak argues that Turkey has declined into authoritarianism - and there are lessons to be learnt for the rest of the world. Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight's place for ideas and debate.
Understanding the Syrian War Using Maps
This short video is intended to provide key information important to understanding the basic conflicts of the war in Syria. The video maker has intended the video to be as neutral and informative as possible. The war is very complex and there is much more to say, but the...
Trump Won't Be Cancelling World War 3 After All
It's time to formulate an asymmetrical response. #StandDownMrTrump
The Pros and Cons of European Union
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It? This is the question posed in this video by Kurzgesagt, and at the end they present their conclusions.
How to Defeat Negative Thinking
Negative thinking can get the best of us at the worst of times. But there's hope! Positive psychology Coach Derrick Carpenter reveals two key tactics that will intercept and defeat these thoughts before they have a chance to infiltrate your life.
Naomi Klein on How to Jam the Trump Brand
Naomi Klein, the author of No Logo, on Trump's brand and how to jam it.
The Rise of the Postmodern Politician
Is Donald Trump a postmodern president? In this opinion piece, journalist and writer Peter Pomerantsev argues that President Trump and President Putin share a disdain for facts - and that this is part of their appeal.
Full Interview: Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Vault 7 & More
Full April 12, 2017 interview with Julian Assange on Democracy Now!, including a debate with investigative journalist Allan Nairn. - 
Silencing Palestine - Prison & Repression
Israel’s occupation of the West Bank is an internationally-recognized human rights crime—but those being impacted are harshly punished for not only acts of resistance, but even mere advocacy for their rights. Getting detailed facts about Israel’s imposition of Military Law...
Rare Footage Reveals the Wild, Elusive Lives of Snow Leopards
See rare close-up video of elusive snow leopards in Russia. Snow leopards live in some of the most rugged and remote mountains of Central Asia. The solitary cats are spread across twelve countries and have been found at upwards of 17,000 feet, making it incredibly difficult...
Does Male Privilege Exist?
Grayson Perry has been thinking about masculinity since he was a boy. Now, in his book, The Descent of Man, he turns round to look at men with a clear eye and ask, what sort of men would make the world a better place, for everyone? Here, Sapphire McIntosh goes out on to the...
The Truth About the Mcdonald's Coffee Lawsuit
Only a clown would serve coffee heated to 190 degrees! Find out what really happened in the infamous Mcdonald's coffee lawsuit.
Texas Students Opt for Cocks Not Glocks
Roy Wood Jr. talks to students at the University of Texas who are carrying dildos to protest guns on campus.
'Northern Fox' Theresa May May Be More Dangerous Than 'Southern Wolf' Donald Trump
Kehinde Andrews argues the British prime minister is a bigger unknown than the US president. As Malcolm X said, we should be more wary of those who are dishonest about their dark intentions than about outwardly prejudiced people. May’s stance on migration, schools and...
Fear-Mongers Are More Dangerous Than Terrorists
Historian and academic Yuval Noah Harari says overreacting to terrorism is a bigger threat to peace than terrorism itself. 
Undocumented In Trump’s America
Arrests. Detentions. Deportations. President Trump has issued executive orders to aggressively find and remove undocumented immigrants. Now even those merely suspected of a crime can be deported, along with those who’ve been following the law by checking in with immigration...
How Trees Talk to Each Other
"A forest is much more than what you see," says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research in Canadian forests have led to an astounding discovery -- trees talk, often and over vast distances. Learn more about the harmonious yet complicated social lives of trees and...
How Trees Communicate Using the Wood Wide Web
Forester Peter Wohlleben reveals how trees talk to each other through their roots and fungal networks. In his new book The Hidden Life of Trees, he explains that trees can register pain, learn things, and even protect and care for each other.
What if There Was an Uber for Allies?
Times are tough, and we could all use an extra dose of privilege. But where to find it? Well, there's an app for that! Introducing Uber Allies, an app that brings an ally right to you and puts white men's privilege to work!
This Nike Ad Takes on a Disturbing New Meaning When You Watch It The Second Time
This Nike ad was supposed to be inspirational. But the real meaning shows through when the ad plays the second time, with the same audio and different visuals, added by Matt Orfalea.
Comedian Sums Up "War on Terror" Perfectly
Comedian Steve Hughes explains why the 'War on Terror' is a joke.
Angela Glover Blackwell Explains the Importance of Striving for Equity
By making sure that everyone can participate, everyone benefits.
Finding Inner Peace Through Meditation with Filmmaker David Lynch
In “Finding Inner Peace,” David Lynch describes how his personal experience with meditation helped him to deal with anxiety, fear, and depression and taught him how to tap into the root source of creativity and bliss.
Jane Goodall - Sowing the Seeds of Hope
“If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.” Jane Goodall
The Internet Warriors
Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? Director Kyrre Lien meets a global group of strongly opinionated individuals, who spend their time debating online on the subjects they care most strongly...
A Hacker Explains the Best Way to Browse the Internet Anonymously
While it may seem difficult these days to remain anonymous online, it's not impossible. We spoke with Kevin Mitnick, author of "The Art of Invisibility," who told us the one tool you should be using if you want to protect your identity. 
The OAS: The US's Ministry of Colonies
What you need to know about the Organization of American States (OAS) and its attacks on Venezuela. The OAS has a long history of ignoring human rights' abuses in Latin America that benefit US interests while condemning those that challenge them.
A short film dealing with the energy generated through human confrontations with walls.  The urge for freedom and fulfillment is just as human as the urge to build walls for everyday order.  Three individuals in different countries are struggling under this tension - and...
Surviving Economic War in Venezuela - People Are Doing It For Themselves
Rebel Diaz went to Venezuela last month, where U.S. corporate interests are waging a devastating economic war on the Venezuelan people. In the face of hyperinflation and food shortages, groups of young people are coming together to create collective alternatives for survival,
Noam Chomsky on Trump's First 75 Days & Much More
Full 70-minute interview with Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now! today talking about Donald Trump’s first 75 days in the White House and much more.
Explaining NAFTA - The Trade Deal With Hard Core Corn
According to President Trump, Mexico is a country that sends us its criminals and rapists, and beats us on trade. In reality, they send us Coronas and TVs, and get beat by American agriculture. Why NAFTA is much more complicado than Trump thinks.
This Is Why We Love Satire
While major news networks have struggled to figure out the right way to cover the Trump administration, political satirists like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers have demonstrated why comedy can be such a powerful antidote to bullshit.
Hope Inside The Fire
Behind the headlines of the protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline, a pure and singular spiritual camp was committing itself in prayer to save the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s only water supply.
This Incredible Animation Shows Just How Deep The Ocean Is
Just how deep does the ocean go? Way further than you think. This animation puts the actual distance into perspective, showing a vast distance between the waves we see and the mysterious point we call Challenger Deep.
The Employment - A Surreal Short Film About the Drudgery of Work
An anonymous man performs his usual trip to work, immersed in a world where the utilisation of people as objects in an everyday thing.
How Black Lives Don't Matter in Israel
While the Israeli state espouses multiculturalism and diversity, it oppresses not just the Palestinian population, but also any Black person within its borders.  From warehousing African asylum seekers in giant prison camps, to criminalizing and carrying out eugenics...
Amanda Palmer: The Art of Asking
Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer: Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.
Brexit Means Titanic
Brexit as Titanic, as imagined by Comedy Central. Genius.
Dairy Is F**king Scary! - The Industry Explained in 5 Minutes
Dairy is scary. Please share this video with anyone and everyone who still thinks dairy is just fine!
Watching The Birth of a Dugout Canoe is Meditative and Deeply Satisfying
This is a documentary movie uncovering the difficult and time consuming process of making traditional expanded dugout canoe using mostly traditional hand tools and techniques.
We Communicate Through Energy
Cellular Biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, reveals the connection between Quantum Theory and feelings.
Up Close and Personal With Norwegian Orcas
Every winter, Norwegian marine biologist Andreas B. Heide sails north in search of whales, especially orcas. He's not just there to document these incredible creatures from the boat, however—he jumps in and swims right along with them. Orcas are some of the most powerful and...
Meet The Woman Rescuing Fruit and Feeding Her Community
Meet Nita Kurmins GilsoMeet Nita Kurmins Gilson, the woman bringing fresh fruit to thousands of San Diegans in need. In 2009, Nita learned that 1 in 6 people in her county were going to bed hungry. She also saw an abundance of fresh produce going to waste all over the city...
What is Populism?
James Butler examines the term Populism on this episode of Terms of Engagement.
Republican Fight to Criminalize Protest Tactics
Since the beginning of 2017, Republicans in over 18 states have proposed bills that would criminalize certain protest tactics. In Missouri, lawmakers want to make it illegal to wear masks, and in Tennessee, lawmakers want to give legal protections to drivers who hit...
Hooded: A Multimedia Project to Challenge and Change How Young Black Men Are Portrayed
Photographer Myles Loftin created a multimedia project that humanizes and decriminalizes the societal image of black boys and black men dressed in hoodies.
The Edible Bus Stop: Community Gardens From Neglected Sites
The Edible Bus Stop transforms neglected sites across London's bus network into valuable community growing spaces. Originating as a guerilla garden project adjacent to a bus stop in South London, we transform once-forgotten spaces into thriving neighbourhood hubs that are...
Escape From Syria - Faiza's Story
After visiting Jordan last year I interviewed a Syrian Refugee who fled across the border from Syria with her two children. I asked her young children to draw pictures of their journey. This animation takes inspiration from the children's drawings and uses the voice-over of...
Muslims This, ISIS That
This powerful spoken word by Hussam Ahmad urges people to look beyond the narratives being spun by the media and politicians.
Visit Hawai'i - The Occupied State
The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
Musician Macka B. Schools Us on Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
Medical Mondays have become an internet sensation, Macka.B dropping bars about the Health benefits of Vegan Foods. This compilation video features 4 episodes, including the now famous cucumber, followed by herbal teas, pumpkin seeds and okra.
Love is Not Something That You Do - It is Something That You Can Become
Are you the longing for love? Watch the video to know more about love and longing for it.
Stressed out? This Weird, Relaxing And Life-Affirming Video May Be Just What You Need
Having a bit of a grumpy day? "Hi Stranger," by Kirsten Lepore, offers a surreal, uplifting and intimate experience that may leave you feeling relaxed as much as puzzled. With so much going on in the world today, little videos like these are a nice reminder of the other side...
MP Says Government is Intentionally Making People Destitute to Prevent Organised Opposition
Mhairi Black says the Tories' system of benefit sanctions is designed to victimise the most vulnerable in society. The SNP MP says the regime costs more to administer than it saves, makes those using it more likely to fall into hardship - and shifts blame from those who...
Sticky - Beautiful Animated Tale About a Remarkable Insect
Exiled from the tropical paradise where they evolved, a tiny population of remarkable stick insects dodged extinction by hiding under a single windswept bush on the world's tallest sea stack for 80 years. Thanks to a dedicated team of scientists they're now living safely in...