1,441-1,500 of 1,504
Films For Action Launches New Website, a "Learning Library for People Who Want to Change the World"
Lawrence, KS -- After 12 months in development, Films For Action has launched its new website - a head-to-toe redesign that lays the foundation for a vibrant community-powered news site dedicated to inspiring positive social change. At the heart of the new site is a...
Us Now: The Power of Open Collaboration & the Internet
In his student flat in Colchester, Jack Howe is staring intently into his computer screen. He is picking the team for Ebbsfleet United's FA Trophy Semi-Final match against Aldershot . Around the world 35,000 other fans are doing the same thing, because together, they own and...
Filmmakers Propose Online "Swarm Offensive" Against Climate Change
This beautifully animated short video argues that grassroots efforts to deal with climate change can be more effective if they adopt the tactics of open source technology, using databases and social networks to "tap into our collective genius" to tackle the toughest of global...
Green Cities and the End of the Age of Oil
Over the past century, our cities have been shaped — literally — for the benefit of the automobile and oil industries. Today, with global oil reserves headed toward irreversible decline, we need to face the challenges of the imminent post-oil reality. Seizing foreign oil...
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.
2012: Time For Change (trailer)
“2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom.  Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a...
Carbon Nation: How To Really Tackle Climate Change
Carbon Nation is an optimistic, solutions-based, non-partisan documentary that illustrates why it's incredibly smart to be a part of the new, low-carbon economy: it's good business, it emboldens national and energy security, and it improves health and the environment.
Dave Meslin: Redefining Apathy
In this Tedx talk, Dave Meslin argues that it isn't apathy that keeps people from engaging in politics. People do care, he argues, but the barriers to participation make it prohibitively difficult to do so. If we can identify and break down these barriers, however, we have...
Free to Learn: A Radical Experiment in Education
Free to Learn is a 70 minute documentary that offers a “fly on the wall” perspective of the daily happenings at The Free School in Albany, New York. Like many of today’s radical and democratic schools, The Free School expects children to decide for themselves how to spend...
How to Repair the World
Are you worried about climate change? What if we could actually do something really effective right now to halt it? In this short 3 minute film, WeForest shows how permaculture, and more broadly, preserving, expanding, and re-growing the world's forests may be the "first...
The Economics of Happiness
Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There...
Brian Newman: How to Be Better Than Free
The Internet is a super-distribution machine that allows copies of digital media to flow in an almost frictionless way. As the wealth and survival of traditional media businesses are built on selling precious copies, the free flow of free copies is undermining the...
The People's Supermarket: Communal, Cheap and Democratic
Would you be willing to spend four hours stacking shelves in a supermarket? Regularly? For nothing? And do a spot on the tills, and quite a lot of floor-mopping? Well, it certainly makes a change from hanging out at Starbucks, I suppose.
Michael Moore: Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange
Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail.
Revenge of the Electric Car (trailer)
In 2006, as many as 5,000 modern electric cars were destroyed by the major car companies that built them. Today, less than 5 years later, the electric car is back... with a vengeance. In Revenge of the Electric Car, director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the...
8 Easy Projects for Instant Energy Savings
Reducing your home energy use is the best of win-win deals — not only does it reduce your carbon footprint, it also saves you big bucks on your energy bills. That’s especially exciting when you consider that many home energy improvements are fast, easy and inexpensive. Often...
WikiRebels - The Documentary
Exclusive rough-cut of the first in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks and the people behind it! From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange. Reporters Jesper Huor and...
The New Website is Live!
Oo-de-lally!! After twelve months in development, the site has finally gone live!
A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil
Cities should be a solution not a problem for human beings. The city of Curitiba has demonstrated for the past 40 years how to transform problems into cost-effective solutions that can be applied in most cities around the world. A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from...
Changing the World One Bike Rider at a Time
A weekly free bike coop where you can use mechanics’ tools and expertise to fix your bike? Free clinics where schoolkids or neighbors learn to maintain or build their own bikes from used parts? Chauncey and Dash Tudhope-Locklear make a living repairing bicycles, but...
International Energy Agency Reports Peak Oil Happened in 2006
The Beginning of a New Era  It can no longer be labeled a crackpot theory, a distant pred
Four Years. Go. A Campaign To Change The Course of History
The goal of Four Years. Go. is to build a global movement of commitment and action that will cause a positive tipping point in humanity’s future by the end of 2014, setting us irreversibly on a new path to a just, thriving and sustainable future for all.
Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us
This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace.
Peter Joseph - Where Are We Going?
Peter Joseph's 2nd Lecture: "Where are we going?" at Maharishi University, Nov. 15th 2009. The first lecture in this series was titled "Where are we now?"
How You Can Save Over 1,200 Gallons of Water Per Day
Thirsty? So is everyone else. We're headed for a water shortage. Here's how simple daily choices can reduce your water use. A GOOD Transparency video.
The Bottleneck. Peak Everything. The Great Turning. Whatever You Call It, It's the Big Enchilada
In the words of filmmaker Tom Shadyac, "The shift is hitting the fan." We're experiencing the dawn of a revolutionary transformation. This awkward 'tween state marks the end of pre-history - the sunset of an ecologically illiterate civilization. Like a baby being born, a new...
The Earth Charter: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Preamble We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst...
The Revolution Has Begun. "The Shift Hits the Fan"
The Bottleneck. The Great Disruption. Peak Everything. The Great Turning.
It's Not All Hopeless! Here Are Seven Ways We Can Win the Sustainability Endgame
Think it's all hopeless? Think there are too many problems and our children's future is doomed? In 16 minutes, renowned and inspiring speaker Guy Dauncey explains why pessimism is the wrong answer to our society's challenges. There's already a massive world-wide movement to...
Van Jones Destroys Glenn Beck with Love
Despite the best efforts of Glenn Beck to ruin Van Jones, Jones is back, standing tall, a righteous man vindicated. While receiving a prestigious award Friday night from the NAACP, Jones refused to lower himself to Beck’s level. Rather than giving Beck the tongue lashing he...
JFK Calls for a Revolution
The Energy [R]evolution is Greenpeace's plan to save the planet from catastrophic climate change. The 200-page document was developed with specialists from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and more than 30 scientists and...
Transfer Your Money From Big Banks To Community Banks
JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS, a few friends were having dinner wondering what personal actions they could take to help limit the power of the big banks and create a more sane, stable financial system. How, they wondered, could they help end the era of Too Big To Fail? The financier...
The Story of Cap & Trade
The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the...
Rob Hopkins' Transition Handbook
Founder of the Transition Network spreading throughout the world, Rob Hopkins talks about Transition Town Totnes and moving towards a post-peak oil society. His book The Transition Handbook gives an account of the founding of Transition Town Totnes, and the global spread of...
Bill McKibben - Why is 350 the most important number in the world?
350 is the most important number in the world--it's what scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Two years ago, after leading climatologists observed rapid ice melt in the Arctic and other frightening signs of climate change, they issued...
Peter Joseph: Where Are We Now?
This 70 minute presentation by Zeitgeist/Zeitgeist: Addendum creator Peter Joseph was given on July 25th 2009 in London, and expands on the ideas presented in the Zeitgeist Movement Orientation Presentation. A must watch for those keeping up with the series of films.
Here Comes The Sun
If it were up to the sun, we would have no energy problem. Every half hour on the Earth’s surface, there is more than enough light to provide energy needs for the whole world in a year. We don’t have an energy problem, we have a conversion problem. If we are able to harvest...
Life (Mostly) Off the Grid - The Dervaes are living the green life in Pasadena, California. Check it out if you're looking for ideas to live sustainably.
Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas
From Venezuela's Communal Councils, to Brazil's Participatory Budgeting; from Constitutional Assemblies to grassroots movements, recuperated factories to cooperatives across the hemisphere -- this documentary is a journey, which takes us across the Americas, to attempt to...
Paul Stamets: 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
Mycologist Paul Stamets breaks down many of the discoveries he's made studying mycelium - and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world.
Energy Co-op Brings Power to the People
What if a community owned its electric utility cooperatively, rather than paying a for-profit company? Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative could be a model. Energy Services manager Jessica Nelson describes how this locally owned, democratically governed non-profit serves...
The Transition Movement Comes to America
One response to the global crisis that is gaining enthusiastic momentum is the Transition Towns movement. Jennifer Gray, a pioneer in the Transition Initiative in the UK and cofounder of Transition US, describes it as “a community-led response to the twin crises of peak oil...
The Permaculture Concept
The word permaculture, coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren during the 1970s, is a portmanteau of permanent agriculture as well as permanent culture. Through a series of publications, Mollison, Holmgren and their associates documented an approach to...
Greening the Desert
They laughed and said it couldn't be done... but sure enough, a group of permaculturist's were able to turn an area of desert into a lush garden that could support food and plants, using permaculture principles established over the last several decades. This film explains how...
Lawrence Lessig Keynote at the National Conference on Media Reform
Keynote by Lawrence Lessig at the NCMR on June 6, 2008, framing the argument for CHANGE CONGRESS. One of our favorite speeches from the conference. Change Congress is a national movement to end corruption in America's congress. The initiative is organizing citizens to push...
Garbage Warrior
What do beer cans, car tires and water bottles have in common? Not much unless you're renegade architect Michael Reynolds, in which case they are tools of choice for producing thermal mass and energy-independent housing.
Bail Out Main Street, Not Wall Street
The free markets are completely discredited. There is significant political space to build a broad consensus for a 21st-Century New Deal that would stop spending our tax dollars on war and Wall Street, and instead help struggling homeowners and build affordable housing; fund...
Who Killed The Electric Car?
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed. This film examines the politics, business interests, and technology that explains why.
Root-Solution: Building the Ecocity
Richard Register discusses the concept of the Ecocity: an Ecocity is a human settlement that enables its residents to live a good quality of life while using minimal natural resources. It is threaded with natural habitat corridors, to foster biodiversity and to give residents...
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (trailer)
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people...
Waste = Food
Man is the only creature that produces landfills. Natural resources are being depleted on a rapid scale while production and consumption are rising in na­tions like China and India. The waste production world wide is enormous and if we do not do anything we will soon have...
The words "health care" and "comedy" aren't usually found in the same sentence, but in Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore's new movie 'SiCKO,' they go together hand in (rubber) glove.
A Sustainability Renaissance Man
Earth needs humans to figure out our shared destiny, says Alan Seid, whose interest is both the outer and inner dimensions of sustainability. Outside there's ecology, social systems and economics (e.g., in Permaculture). Inside is the psychological dimension of personal and...
Going Big Box Vs. Going Local
Going Big Box vs. Going Local pushes purchasing power to its extreme. In this hilarious docu-drama, the every-woman Hannah rejects sweatshop labor, embraces buying local, and finds much more than what she's shopping for — with the help of the know-it-all narrator.
Join Congressman Wexler's Call for Cheney Impeachment Hearings
The charges are too serious to ignore. There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unnecessary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of...
Van Jones at the NCMR 2007
Van Jones' closing speech at the National Conference on Media Reform 2007, which was held in Memphis, TN. One of the best from the conference.
Sustainable Connections - Transforming a Community Through Local Business
Michelle Long shows us how a highly successful local independent business network has transformed Bellingham, WA, while inspiring other communities. From an initial "Think Local First" program, they have expanded to business peer mentoring, and support for local food...
The Take: Occupy, Resist, Produce
In the wake of Argentina's dramatic economic collapse in 2001, Latin America's most prosperous middle class finds itself in a ghost town of abandoned factories and mass unemployment. The Forja auto plant lies dormant until its former employees take action. They're part of a...
People-Centered Developments for Reduced-Energy Living
Developer Steven Ribeiro is re-creating traditional towns, that put "waste" resources to good use. A mixed-use three-story building augments power from its solar panels (which provide shade and collect rainwater) with a tugboat engine (running on local biodiesel), using...
What Are We Waiting For?
Two thirds of all energy generated in the UK's nuclear, coal and gas fueled power stations is lost as waste heat - that's enough heat to meet the whole of the UK's heating and hot water needs. Made by BAFTA award-winning Memory Box Films and narrated by Clive Anderson, the...