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Black Biz Ball Awards Ceremony
The Black Biz Ball ( is a virtual award show/ceremony honoring Black Business worldwide! The BBB represents the beginning of a new day and era for Black businesses and resilence.   The Ball is a value statement, recognition, and a bold acknowledgement...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered today as an American hero: a bridge-builder, a shrewd political tactician, and a moral leader. Yet throughout his history-altering political career, he was often treated by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies like an enemy...
Climate Change Babies
Climate Change Babies is an inspiring film for trailblazing parents around the world. During the Covid-19 pandemic, courageous and articulate moms, parents and grandparents from British Columbia , Canada are organizing and exchanging profound information about climate change...
The Connections
This is a short documentary about everything that we care about. It is important that you share this documentary because it has no other promotion or advertisement. Credits: Videos: All videos have been downloaded from youtube and were under the Creative Commons license...
US Retreats From Afghanistan: Truth Behind The Empire’s Defeat
Abby Martin explores what's missing from coverage of Biden's announcement of the Afghanistan withdrawal. 
Uganda Dictatorship: Imperialism's Pearl of Africa
Short documentary on Uganda's US-backed dictatorship, the country's freedom struggle from colonialism until today, and the geo-strategic role the regime plays for US Imperialism. 
Algo huele mal en Chiloé - Isla de Basura, Río de Promesas
Sinopsis: Lxs seres que habitan las cercanías del único Santuario de la Naturaleza de Chiloé se encuentran en inminente peligro debido a que se está depositando basura en la cuenca del río que le da vida. Debido a la mala gestión municipal ha quedado al descubierto el...
Fausto in the Dark
Tormented by disease in a merciless solitude, the cantankerous and sullen Fausto, who goes leaving traces of bitterness behind himself, understands that never changes the final destination: return eventually to the nothingness from which we came.
The Truth About Food Insecurity
We live in a world with a rapidly growing population. Some people would have you believe that food insecurity is caused by overpopulation, or that we've reached the earth's carrying capacity. Is that really the case? In this episode, Second Thought takes a brief look at the...
Challenge the System
"Jimmy Dore Goes to Washington" by Academy Award winning director, Frank Capra. Starring Jimmy Dore: Help me make more videos! ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶
Canceling Black Panther?!
Identity politics: How the left sets itself up to lose Help me make more videos! ▶ ▶ ▶ PayPal:​ Bitcoin: bc1q790393uytug432dyens6c2samyn7dgwa79g69u
Why You Can't Compare Covid-19 Vaccines
What a vaccine's "efficacy rate" actually means. 
Child sexual abuse image sharing on the rise in the midst of COVID-19 lockdowns
Digital Predators As the world went online with the COVID-19 pandemic, police reported a huge increase in the number of people viewing and sharing images of child sex abuse online. In the 1990s, some 10,000 images of child abuse were in circulation; now there are more than 47...
Why Are So Many Young People Becoming Socialists?
For decades the United States has been a bastion of free market ideology and extreme individualism, but in the last few years we've seen a major resurgence of socialist ideas. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at why so many young people are attracted to socialism...
Money Moksha - Finally, the truth about money...
If you want to understand The System, if you want to plan for a world without Capitalism, you need to know what money is.
Killer Mike: Amazon Using Slave Labor to Enrich the Richest Man in the World
Killer Mike delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Alabama Amazon warehouse workers who are fighting to unionize. If their efforts succeed, it could be the spark that ignites successful Amazon union drives across the country.
The Hardest Thing I've Ever Loved: Creating a Transformative Culture
This 36-minute documentary follows the lives of 5 young explorers on their journey through the 5-week Ecovillage Design Education program in Switzerland, which navigates today's challenges as opportunities to build a regenerative future for all.
20 Signs You're Emotionally Mature
However old we might be, none of us is ever quite emotionally mature - but having a list to hand of what maturity consists of might be a way of keeping score and nudging ourselves in the right direction. Here is a comprehensive list of what maturity might comprise. 
Schizophrenia, I have for a long time studied the visual work of the mentally ill. I heard that the painter Picasso did this and used some of the imagery in his own work. Their is a distinct similarity in the art work of people who are mentally ill. Ordinary people can also...
Cops Say You're Not Allowed to Look at Government Building
Cops Say You're Not Allowed to Look at Government Building Support me on Patreon! ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ PayPal...
SR 2021: The Time of Our Lives /w Bryan Palmer
For socialists time and its meaning and organization have always been a central concern, if only because capitalism has placed such a premium on controlling time and subordinating it to its imperatives. At the current conjuncture, time has become the challenge for socialists...
The Problem With American Education
Americans from across the political spectrum tend to agree that our education system is failing our students. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at three of the biggest problems the system faces, and considers some possible solutions.
How Smoked Salmon Is Destroying Our Minds | George Monbiot
Smoked Salmon... it's a metaphor. 
8 Toxic Things Parents Say To their Children
Do you wonder about the toxic people in your life? What if your mother is toxic? What if your father is toxic? Or what if both of your parents are toxic. Regardless of whether your family members are really toxic or not, Psych2Go made this video to highlight the 8 unhealthy...
The Confederacy Was a Con Job on Whites - and Still Is
I’ve lived 55 years in the South and I grew up liking the Confederate flag. I haven’t flown one for many decades — but for a reason that might surprise you.
Creating the Conditions for Belonging and Breathing in a Toxic Environment | john a. powell
Bridging or breaking? That is the sharp choice we face today as a society and as individual citizens. john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, has long been one of our nation’s leading and most original thought leaders. He has delved...
So You're Still Being Publicly Shamed
The Right wants you to believe that a coddled, overly sensitive left is propping up cancel culture. But punitive, hyper-surveillant ways of interacting online are built into the structure of privately owned social media companies, and they’re practiced across the political...
Lesbofòbia, Un Documental I Deu Respostes
Porque pasa. Porque estamos hartas. Porque la respuesta tiene que ser colectiva. Diez testimonios para visibilizar, denunciar, analizar los problemas de fondo y compartir respuestas y estrategias para acabar con la lesbofobia y otras violencias. Documental entero V.O.S.E...
Lesbofobia, Un Documental Y Diez Respuestas.
Porque pasa. Porque estamos hartas. Porque la respuesta tiene que ser colectiva. Diez testimonios para visibilizar, denunciar, analizar los problemas de fondo y compartir respuestas y estrategias para acabar con la lesbofobia y otras violencias. Sinopsis larga: ¿Qué...
Our Mindful Body
Short Documentary about exercise and the connection to our mind and body.
What’s Behind Thailand’s Alarming Suicide Rate? | Undercover Asia | Full Episode (2021)
COVID-19 is not the only epidemic that has hit Thailand, as the economic distress caused by the coronavirus is leading more and more Thais into despair. The urban poor, some left without an income and others overlooked by government financial-aid programmes, see no other...
The Art of Letting Go (Taoism Documentary)
February, 2012, my wife, Gayoung, and I were moving back to Asia after two years in Australia. We had no plan. We just wanted to let go of our lives and return to Asia permanently. The Art of Letting Go is a full-length documentary that follows us for one year on an amazing...
Coleman Hughes on The White Fragility Theory with Glenn Loury
"This recording was created at an event hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, that featured myself alongside Glenn Loury, who, as many of you know, is an economist at Brown University and host of the Glenn Show at Blogging Heads. I thought the conversation was a...
The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
The world’s scientists have made it all too clear: our earth is overheating. It’s bad, but we can still make changes that could be the difference between life and death for tens of millions of people. We need to take power away from the fossil fuel industry that created the...
Why All US Politicians Should Earn Minimum Wage | Francesca Fiorentini
Biden's Stimulus Bill & The History of Failure
The Terrifying $1.2 Trillion Plan That Could Kill 90% of Humanity | Stephen Fry
The US will soon review its nuclear weapons program. Should it spend $1.2 Trillion extending & updating it?
Why The United States Can't Handle Crises
Covid-19, climate change, natural disasters, constant recessions, homelessness, declining life expectancy and quality of life, economic seems like the United States is perpetually in crisis, and more often than not we fail to meet the challenge. Why is that?...
'Til Kingdom Come
Millions of American Evangelicals are praying for the State of Israel. Among them are the Binghams, a dynasty of Kentucky pastors, and their Evangelical congregants in an impoverished coal mining town. They donate sacrificially to Israel’s foremost philanthropic organization...
Why America Throws the Poor in Prison
America built mass incarceration: the wholesale imprisonment of entire populations. Why, exactly, are so many people in prison – more than the entire population of New Mexico? That’s our focus for this week’s video: how a crisis of capitalism created a surplus population of...
David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything
America: the greatest, richest, freest country in the world – or is it? David Cross, of Mr. Show, Arrested Development, and The Dark Divide discusses why Americans, despite living in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, have a much worse standard of living than...
The Video the Royal Family Does Not Want You To See | Nabil Abdulrashid
Everything You Need To Know About Harry & Meghan.
4th Gen Warfare: The REAL Story of Military PSYOPs, the Corporate Deep-State and TWO Coup Attempts (2021)
Was QAnon a corporate/military PSYOP? If so, why? An economic analysis of disinformation and propaganda.
Beyond Digital Capitalism: Socialist Register 21 Launch and Tribute to Leo Panitch
The North American launch of Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism, with presentations by Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, Bryan Palmer, Joan Sangster, Stephen Maher, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tanner Mirrlees, and Derek Hrynyshyn, and short tributes to the life and work...
From people who live with the scars of having been bullied to families who now grieve the loss of their child to suicide in the wake of brutal acts of bullying, this film examines the reasons why people bully and the fallout that occurs from that bullying. 
A Guide to US Empire in Africa: Neocolonial Order & AFRICOM
Abby Martin speaks to Eugene Puryear to discuss the big picture of US imperialism in Africa: From the Berlin Conference to the subversion of liberation movements to neocolonial puppets and the current sprawl of AFRICOM "counterterrorism." 
Laboratory Greece
A journey through Greece's past and recent history. The everyday life in the epicentre of the neoliberalist policies implemented. «If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe» Paul Craig Roberts  
Presence / Absence is a two minute video observing simple, everyday actions juxtaposed with the complex world of simulation and gaming.
CNN: Criticism Of Sinema On $15 Minimum Wage Is Sexist
Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s (Ariz.) office is pushing back against criticism of her Friday vote to reject a $15 minimum wage bill, with a spokeswoman for the senator calling commentary on the way in which she cast her vote sexist. Sinema was among eight Democrats who...
Why You Shouldn't Be Distracted By The Royal Circus | Prof John Ashton
“We’re all being tempted to be distracted by the circus that is Meghan, Harry & the Royal Family, this is classic distraction stuff” - John Ashton
Plastic Truth
What really happens to your recycling.
How We All Became Richard Nixon | Adam Curtis
This short film uses the story of Richard Nixon’s paranoia to explore how a similar outlook has been perpetuated on the larger social scale by the new media age. Skimming through the evolution of the mainstream media via television and newspapers, this short film comments on...
The Fossil Fuel Fight
Fossil fuels on their way out? Hah! The skeleton CEO at the Fossil Fuels AGM will tell you the truth: even after Covid 19 they're still booming.
Permaculture Is a Way of Thinking | Andrew Faust
This is a clip from The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness (2013). Watch the full documentary here.
40 Years on the Farm Documentary
This documentary chronicles the history of The Farm, America's oldest hippie commune, located in Summertown,Tennessee
Can You Trust the Media? | Manufacturing Consent Explained
The term "fake news" is thrown around without much thought, but with more and more people losing faith in the media, honesty in news broadcasting is something we need to consider. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at whose interests the corporate media serves, and...
The Age of Social Murder
The ruling elites, despite the accelerating and tangible ecological collapse, mollify us, either by meaningless gestures or denial.
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
An investigation of 9/11.