61-120 of 10,393
I Wrote What? Google's AI-Powered Libel Machine
“Gemini shows the awesome dystopian possibilities of AI”
The REAL Threat to British Democracy | Peter Oborne
The video UK politicians don't want you to see.
The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
How to succeed in an occupation for at least 54 years? Avi Mograbi, director and narrator, builds the handbook of the perfect occupier based on testimonies from Israeli soldiers and archive footage. 
US Soldier: We Must Stop Sacrificing Lives for Defense Contractors
In 2010, a young soldier named Mike Prysner became a legend for a spontaneous speech saying that the US military fights wars not out of principle, but for Wall St and defense contractors. Today, the truth he spoke is widely known. - Fridayeveryday
Blocking Israel's War Machine
Early on the morning of October 30th, a crowd descended on INKAS Armored, a Toronto-based defence contractor with ties to the Israeli Defence Forces. Responding to a call from Palestinian trade unions for workers around the world to shut down exports to the Israeli military...
“This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal” On Aaron Bushnell’s Action in Solidarity with Gaza
On Sunday, February 25, we received an email from a person who signed himself Aaron Bushnell.
Aaron Bushnell's Protest Reflects A Much Deeper Crisis In the US Military
Millions of people are celebrating Aaron Bushnell as a hero for his protest outside of the Israeli embassy. His protest also reflects a growing crisis within the US military. BT's Kei Pritsker explains the military recruitment crisis and the potential mutiny within its ranks...
Honest Government Ad | Whistleblowers (STFU)
The Australien Government has made an ad about its Whistleblower Protection Laws, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 
Try Psychedelics, Access Transcendence | James Fadiman
Expert James Fadiman explains how psychedelics have the power to expand consciousness, enhance creativity, and deepen our connections to the world.   
Tribute to Aaron Bushnell by Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner
The US military is presented as an institution that does protecting; defending; “saving.” But fundamentally, it is an institution of killing. Of mass killing. Throughout our country’s entire history there have been service members who could not grapple with that fact; who...
What Happens When Evil Wins?
Over the last five months, we've seen an unprecedented escalation in violence in Gaza. Most people I know feel like they're going crazy. We're all seeing the same footage, but no matter how angry we all get and how much we try to change public opinion, nothing seems to come...
Why Gaza May Be The End Of The West
When you commit a crime so great that you will never recover from it yourself. - Owen Jones
AI Riots vs "Moore's Law for Everything" by Sam Altman
Moore's Law for Everything:  
Shocking Evidence Israel Plots Mass Expulsion of Palestinians
We are running out of time to stop this. - Owen Jones 
Why Julian Assange Should Be Freed | John Mearsheimer
"I was asked by the “Assange Defense” to provide a short video on his upcoming extradition hearing in London."
AI Prompt: Turn Lawrence, Kansas Into a Bioregional Ecocity With Indigenous Values and Wisdom
This is the unedited first response to the title prompt, using Copilot with GPT-4.
Charles Eisenstein On Community & The New Story
Global Streaming Premiere of The Village of Lovers Feb 7-18, 2024 Watch here. 
I Want to Fall In Love at 85 | Poet IN-Q
We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day 💕 with beloved poet IN-Q’s heartwarming visions of finding lifelong love and growing young together, even at age 85. 🕺 This powerful spoken word film features evocative animation to capture the hilarity and hardship of romance through life's...
Walk With Me: A Journey into Mindfulness
Directed by Marc J Francis & Max Pugh, ‘Walk With Me’ is a cinematic and immersive exploration into the world-famous monastery of Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh. 
How The Repression of Eros Can Lead to War
This is an outtake from the film The Village of Lovers about the radical research community of Tamera in Portugal. The speaker is peace worker Martin Winiecki. 
How to Change Your Mind
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney and New York Times best-selling author Michael Pollan present this documentary series event in four parts, each focused on a different mind-altering substance: LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and mescaline. 
The Super Bowl as Weapon of Mass Distraction from Gaza
'There’s been no shortage of commentary in corporate media about pop superstar Taylor Swift helping to make this year’s Super Bowl the most-watched telecast in U.S. history.¹There’s been a lot less commentary about how Americans were fixated on football at precisely the same...
Unremitting Turkish Attacks Leave Rojava in Peril — and in Need of Solidarity
The future of this experiment is on the line as much of its civilian infrastructure has been destroyed since October.
Jewish Resistance to Germans Explains Palestine Right Now
How does the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto against the Germans teach us about what's happening in Palestine today? 
Unitarian Universalism: The Seven Principles
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and...
Miki Kashtan Interviewed by Martin Winiecki
What we think is special about this conversation/interview is, that it is for an audience that already shares NGL’s focus on courage, truth, love and liberation. It touches on many relevant topics like gift economy, power with/power over and capacity. - Nonviolent Global...
How To Resist Radical Evil | Chris Hedges
Across diverse landscapes of conflict and peace, a common thread unites them: the unwavering resolve to confront injustice. From the depths of their courage, they challenge the very essence of what it means to defy forces that seek to diminish the human spirit. 
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights
"In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident: a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established…
From Citizens of Nations to Citizens of Cities
[C]itizens today no longer even approximate the high and eminently human standard of citizenship that was established in the Hellenic world—a meaning that must be recovered, as well as the personal and social training, or paideia, for producing citizens.~Murray...
Israel's Allies PANIC In Desperate Effort To Deflect Blame
Don't let them get away with it. - Owen Jones 
Why Netanyahu Rejected the Ceasefire
Netanyahu doesn't care about freeing the hostages. David Hearst is editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye. 
Peter Oborne EXPOSES Israel’s Dodgy Dossier
And how the world fell for it.
The Needs of the Management Class Shaped Racial Pseudoscience
As we enter Black History Month, it is important to understand how management race science was developed to divide and conquer the workforce as it struggled against long odds to form labor unions.
Geography of Hope: Becoming Native to a Place
Brooke Hecht, Lyla June Johnston, Nicky Finney, and Ilarion Merculieff speak at the 2017 Geography of Hope Conference. This year's theme was “Ancestors & The Land: Our Past, Present, and Future" held in Point Reyes, California. 
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
'No Evidence' For Israel's Claims Against UN Palestinian Agency, UNRWA
Remember how Israel's claims that staff at UNRWA - Gaza's main humanitarian agency - were involved in 7th October attacks drove the ICJ ruling from the headlines, and led to Western countries cancelling funds? Those claims are falling apart. Journalists who've seen Israel's...
CNN's Pro-Israel Bias EXPOSED In Devastating Report
A new devastating report - based on interviews with CNN journalists and staff and internal emails and memos - has exposed CNN's raging pro-Israeli bias. This matters - a lot. - Owen Jones
How The Internet Destroyed Critical Thinking Forever
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A Breathtaking Adventure With Trash (ABAWT)
A West African travels across continents for a year, as he struggles to adapt and learn viable solutions to waste management at his different destination countries.…
The Village of Lovers
In the Oak-dotted countryside of Southern Portugal lies Tamera Healing Biotope, one of Earth’s most radical social experiments in human futurism. Tamera began in the “free love” utopian movements of the 1960s’ and 70’s, and however soon realized that the necessary social...
Phantom Democracy and The Two-Party Simulation
Why People STILL Believe in US Democracy. 
The Greatest Misinformation Campaign in History
Big Oil has known for more than 50 years that fossil fuels pose a huge danger to the climate. They covered it up to keep raking in profits. It's one of the biggest corporate crimes in history. 
Here’s Why The US Designated the Houthis a Terrorist Group
The US is designating the Houthis as a terrorist group for what amounts to disrupting genocide. The Houthis have targeted ships headed to Israel, citing their obligations to the UN Genocide Convention. BT’s Kei Pritsker explains the hypocrisy behind the US decision and asks...
How the United States RIGGED the Global Economy
Globalization, in theory, means the free flow of goods, money, and ideas around the world. In practice, its rules are set to benefit powerful nations like the United States. Over the last 75 years, the United States has rigged the global economy to guarantee its dominance. 
The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?
In 2022 nearly half of Americans expected a civil war in the next few years, one in five now believes political violence is justified. And it is not just the US but around the world. People increasingly see themselves as part of opposing teams. There are many different...
The Night Doctrine
"The Night Doctrine," ProPublica's first animated documentary, traces the story of Lynzy Billing, a young British journalist of Afghan-Pakistani origins who returns to Afghanistan to find out who killed her family 30 years earlier, only to stumble upon a secretive U.S.-backed...
Contemplations: On the Psychedelic Experience
Contemplations is a documentary film exploring the furthest reaches of psychedelic exploration.
An indigenous woman from the Peruvian Andes who cannot read or write, stands up to the largest gold producer in the world, US-based Newmont Mining Corporation.
Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End
We find Mr. Fish, once successful outrageous editorial cartoonist, as his profession is dying out. Can he support his family and maintain his unique defiant voice in a world where biting satiric humor has an ever-diminishing market value?
Reimagining Safety
Ten experts explore the false premise that more police and more prisons make us safer while providing practical and actionable solutions towards achieving systems of safety that work for everyone.
Sky Analyst Says Israel Behaving Like Terrorists After Hospital Assassination
Novara Live broadcasts every weekday from 6PM on YouTube and Twitch. 
Israel ESCALATES War Crimes
Thought the International Court of Justice ruling would force Israel to scale back its murderous onslaught? Think again. The opposite has happened.
America Could Be a Utopia
A rebuttal of popular perceptions of the United States. 
Stop Being a Climate Change Doomer
Climate Change doesn't have to scare the Emojis out of you. 
Why We Need Socialism
In this video essay, I look at how and why socialism, specifically ecosocialism, is crucial to mitigating climate change and building a just and equitable world. Specifically, I look at how capitalism can not exist in harmony with the natural world by investigating the...
Richard Wolff: How You Are Being Exploited
At the very heart of capitalism is a system of exploitation. That is not a pejorative label: it’s an objective definition of what work actually means. In order for capitalists to make a profit, their workers have to earn less than the value they produce, and that extra value...
Dem Michigan Mayor THREATENS NOT TO VOTE Biden Over Israel
Krystal and Saagar are joined by Dearborn Mayor Hammoud to discuss why he is not supporting Joe Biden's re-election bid amidst his support for Israel's war on Gaza. 
Chris Hedges "The Death of Israel: How a Settler Colonial State Destroyed Itself"
This talk by Chris Hedges was recorded by Skalli Events at The Islamic Society of Central New Jersey on January 18, 2024. 
Inside an Apache Rite of Passage Into Womanhood
For the Mescalero Apache Tribe, girls are not recognized as women until they have undergone the Sunrise Ceremony- an ancient, coming-of-age ceremony that lasts for four days. 
Israeli Intelligence Admits Vilest Lie
It wasn't just the Israelis who peddled this lie - so did Western politicians and journalists. But Israeli intelligence has privately admitted the truth.