721-780 of 17,262
"The Best Cure for the Body Is a Quiet Mind."
Coming across this statement, one was struck by its simplicity. The perception of its truth was instantaneous and thunderous.
Hawaii Agriculture and Sustainable City Development
Interviewed Hawaii State Senator Dela Cruz on site at the Whitmore Project in Wahiawa. This interview was filmed in January 2015.
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
On The Wild Side
Wild plants matter on our urban streets and footpaths. Co-author of 'Wiltshire Flora', Dave Green explains why in this award winning short film.
Make It A Fair Cop Glasgow
We went to COP 26 in Glasgow to find out what was being done about the climate crisis and the destruction of the natural world. This film shows you what - and whom - we found. One thing is for sure. Governments must do much. much more than they are doing. We can't leave it to...
What Green Can Be - 2020 Edit
The acclaimed documentary short film What Green Can Be is a story about how one small town is encouraging green building and the beautiful results that can occur when we decide together to go green.  Delving into green architecture, director Lauren Speeth traces the history...
Power of Environment Trailer
Trailer from the acclaimed Power of Environment, an educational documentary short film from the Ukrainian Ministry of Education.   Help the environment. Respect nature. Children's questions catalyze discussion, as educators and naturalists explore consumerism, resource...
The Power of Environment
Power of Environment is an educational documentary short film exploring how caring for our environment is key to our world's well-being.  Save the planet. Help the environment. Respect nature. Children's questions catalyze discussion, as educators and naturalists explore...
Power of Water (Ukrainian / English)
Power of Water is an educational documentary short film exploring how water-ecology is key to our world's well-being. Explore its power and interconnected nature with experts from Ukraine and the USA. This upbeat yet information-rich film also features children’s hands-on...
Power of Water Trailer
Trailer from the acclaimed Power of Water, an educational documentary film from the Ukrainian Ministry of Education, in Ukrainian (with English subtitles) and English. Water-ecology is key. Explore its power and interconnected nature with experts from Ukraine and the USA...
It Wasn't an Apple!
For thousands of years, we have misinterpreted the foundational story of the world's three most dominant religions. Where did we go wrong, and what does it really mean?
Everything is a Wave - So Surf It!
Everything in the universe is a wave. Everything comes and goes. So this moment / experience, either good or bad, is just a wave. Surf it. Savour the high and ride out the low. This too shall pass!
What is Project 3.5? | Extinction Rebellion UK
We’ve got a plan, it’s called Project 3.5 The idea is a simple one: To build a movement that’s too big for the government and the fossil fuel industry to ignore, and to do it one door at a time.
Stephen Fry in Support of Extinction Rebellion: 'Something Has to be Done'
National treasure, actor and comedian Stephen Fry called on the British public to support Extinction Rebellion. Speaking to camera Fry, said: “Reasonable people, I think, understand that something has to be done about fossil fuels, most of all about our insatiable appetite...
The ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ is a SCAM
Laura Pidcock EXPOSES the lie.
Politics are Polarized, But Not for the Reason You Think | Robert Reich
In the last 50 years, Robert Reich has moved further to the left of center without changing his political views at all. How? The right has moved dangerously close to fascism. 
You Are Being Lied to About Inflation | Robert Reich
The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices. 
Why Capitalism Loves Disasters
In this video essay, Our Changing Climate looks at why disaster capitalism exists and how it works. Specifically, they dive into the core principles behind disaster capitalism-- how crises are exploited to pass neoliberal policies, turn a profit, and privatize land and...
The Modern Eco Village | BedZED
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
Why You're Not “Middle Class”
Fun fact, the vast majority of people see themselves as "middle class." That includes everyone from those making $20k per year all the way to those making millions of dollars per year. Surely they can't all be part of the same group, right? What's going on here? What is the...
Roe v Wade: How The Democrats FAILED Women On Abortion | Katie Halper
More guns, no abortion: Welcome to Joe Biden’s Liberal America
Overload: America's Toxic Love Story
Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and explores if there is anything she or anyone else can do to change them. Soozie has just learned that hundreds of...
Cosmos: Possible Worlds
Possible Worlds translates the revelations of science into a lavishly transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. We are living in the golden age of discovery of new worlds to explore and possibly inhabit. In the vastness of time...
Planet Local: A Quiet Revolution
Planet Local: A Quiet Revolution, a film by the international NGO Local Futures, shows a quiet and transformative revolution emerging worldwide.
Heal the Planet with PONDS
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison visits beaver dams and talks about how beavers are the world's greatest ecosystem engineers. He journeys to different permaculture sites in Oregon to see how these sites are actually mimicking the hydrologic and ecosystem effects of the...
Abby Martin’s Speech on US Sanctions & Economic Gangsterism
Abby's speech at the People’s Summit for Democracy, the progressive counter to Biden's imperialist ‘Summit of the Americas’ on June 9 2022. 
Lakota Human Remains Stolen from US Army Massacre Hoarded by Private Museum
For over 100 years, human remains and sacred artifacts stolen from the bodies at the Wounded Knee Massacre have been locked away, held by a private library in the small town of Barre, Massachusetts.
Oliver Stone & Abby Martin: Down the JFK Rabbit Hole
Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone joins Abby to discuss his new film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, his journey into the case, the evidence of a CIA-orchestrated assassination and American foreign policy. 
Our Consumer Society
This documentary explores our consumer society, looking at the history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology of what consumerism really means.
Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia
"Of all the reasons why we moved to the Netherlands, the independence of children is probably the most important one." 
At around age five and six, Mariama was sexually abused by a neighbour. In her adult life the memories from this period have come back into full clarity. She has suffered from depressions and panic attacks periodically throughout her life, and now has a better understanding...
Living for 32: Virginia Tech, Gun Shows & Mass Shootings in America
To help provide context for America's mass shooting crisis, Video Project is offering the Sundance-award winning documentary Living for 32 for free online streaming (get a classroom or community screening license here). Unfortunately, the issues presented in Living for 32...
The Blue-Gieman & US
The Blue-Gieman & US gives a voice to everyday people seeking answers to systematic racism and police brutality in America. The film presents hard truths, hidden facts, and soul-searching journeys from the catastrophic events of 2020 and before to a new face of healing and...
Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan in his reflections on the significance of a photograph of planet Earth from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers.
Redefining Prosperity
The story of how a mining town recovered from its legacy of pollution and prospered by building community around the battle to save their beautiful river. Born in the California Gold Rush, Nevada City was once the scene of some of the most destructive environmental...
The CIA Plot to Kill My Husband Julian Assange | Stella Assange
Julian Assange’s wife on the CIA plot to kill her husband for exposing war crimes & fight to save his life
My Son was Shot Dead with an AR-15 in School. I Warned Biden about Texas Shooting - He Didn’t Listen
“We don’t need your thoughts & prayers, what we need is our kids”
Stephen Jenkinson | Still
This piece of poetry was written by Stephen Jenkinson – and recorded and arranged by Gregory Hoskins – for the Campfire Stories film "The Art of Slowing Down Time". In the film, which you can watch here, we only ended up using an excerpt of it, but this is the full poem. The...
'We Can't Get Numb to This' Steve Kerr Calls Out Senators During Reaction to Texas School Shooting
NBA: Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr fronted the media and gave an emotional plea to US senators after another tragic shooting in Texas. 
I Must Return The Gift: How Joy Is an Essential Ingredient for Activism
Woven together with excerpts from Robin Wall Kimmerer's seminal "Braiding Sweetgrass," this immersive short film grounds viewers into concepts of indigenous wisdom, the power of spending uninterrupted time in nature, the spiritual dimension of environmental work, and how joy...
5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison reveals his picks for the 5 most epic Earth healing projects in the world.
Plastic Island: The Terrible Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted sea in the world - this is the observation made by many scientists. At the heart of this pollution, plastics hold an important place. In 2019, the media announced that off Corsica there would be a veritable island of adrift plastic...
Democracy and Ecology as Forces of Change: Interview With Yavor Tarinski
Interview with author and activist Yavor Tarinski, whose latest book "Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society" (Zer0 books, 2022) has just came out. He participates in social movements around the Balkans, as well as in transnational organizations, dedicated to the...
SHOCK Video: George W Bush ADMITS He's A War Criminal In Freudian Slip!
Gotta agree with Bush on this one. Putin is a war criminal, and so is Bush.
Rite of Passage
The annual Race to Alaska features countless teams who test their merit in a no-motor race from Port Townsend to Ketchikan. This is already one of the ultimate endurance challenges in the world (documented more fully in the film The Race to Alaska) but Team North2Alaska takes...
"The Race to Alaska" Tests the Body, Mind and Boat
A documentary on the annual 750 mile race from Washington to Alaska with no motors – just wind, ocean, and human spirit.
Humanity Is Not A Parasite
Misanthropic, borderline ecofash narratives about humanity's relationship with nature have become way too common in discourse about climate change, highlighting the urgent and critical importance of a social ecological approach. 
Socialism for Absolute Beginners
You've probably heard the word "socialism" in the media. More often than not, it's used as a pejorative. Why is that? Is socialism really that bad, or is there something else going on? In this episode, we'll take a look at socialism at the very surface level. This video is...
By the Way, Woody Allen Is Innocent
The scandal surrounding Woody Allen is nearly a 30 year drama at this point, and I think it's worth looking at in depth if you want to have an opinion on it. I hope this video is interesting to people. Here are some links through which you can find a lot of information about it:
A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything
We have a serious debt problem, but solutions such as the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” are not the future we want. It’s time to think outside the box for some new solutions.
The Assange Case Changes Everything
If Assange loses, we all lose Subscribe to me on Rumble! ▶ If Assange loses, we all lose. Matt Orfalea Patreon ▶ Twitter ▶ Facebook...
Hunter Biden Laptop | Russian Disinfo Disinfo
Read the FULL story by Matt Taibbi Subscribe to me on Rumble! ▶ Patreon ▶ Twitter ▶ Facebook...
Weapons 4 Ukraine (& Military Industrial Complex)
Full story: Follow me on Rumble! ▶ Patreon ▶ Twitter ▶ Facebook...
TK Mashup: The Lab Leak "Conspiracy Theory" Subscribe to me on Rumble! ▶ Patreon ▶ Twitter ▶ Facebook ▶
Hiding in the Walls
Hiding in the Walls captures the complicated and devastating story of Baltimore’s lead poisoning epidemic. It takes a deep dive into the origins of lead poisoning, the failures of local leadership to stop the problem, and ultimately how it came to be a dangerous part of daily...
America's War On Abortion
Deeyah Khan investigates one of the most divisive issues in American politics - abortion, going on the frontline to meet those most affected by America's abortion wars. 
A Cloud Never Dies | Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
A new biographical documentary of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh narrated by actor Peter Coyote, A Cloud Never Dies weaves together original film and photographic archives, telling the story of a humble young Vietnamese monk and poet whose wisdom and compassion were forged in the...
Let’s Replace Cancel Culture with Accountability | Sonya Renee Taylor
Sonya explores the impact of calling out and calling in people who have caused harm. She offers us a third alternative - “calling on”. We often think that discerning someone’s intent is instinctual when it is just not the case. Sonya proposes that those who are the source of...
People are Losing Faith in Democracy, What a Surprise!
People in positions of power do not care about YOU.
Honest Government Ad | 2022 Election (Season 2 Finale)
The Australien Government has made a final ad before the 2022 federal election and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.