May 10, 2011

Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium

Sat, May 21, 2011 8:45am
925 Vermont St., Lawrence KS · Cost: 20

It sounds so New Age. What the heck is the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium all about?  

This symposium is a half-day, transformative educational experience that empowers participants to respond to humanity’s current situation with action and informed, grounded-optimism about our future. Symposiums are being offered across the globe.

Plymouth Congregational, in co-operation with our neighboring church, Trinity Episcopal and their Environmental Stewardship team, will be the first communities in Lawrence to host a symposium like this. And you are invited to be a part of this exciting event.  

Through dynamic group interactions, leading edge information, and inspiring multimedia, participants are inspired to reconnect with their deep concern for our world, and are empowered to make a difference.

Designed with the collaboration of some of the finest scientific, indigenous and activist minds in the world, the Symposium explores the current state of our planet from a new perspective, and connects participants with a powerful global movement to reclaim our future.

The symposium is an exploration of four questions:

Where are we? An examination of the state of environmental, social and personal well-being

How did we get here? Tracing the root causes to our current imbalance

What’s possible for the future? Discovering new ways of relating with each other, with the Earth and looking at the emerging Movement for change

Where do we go from here?  Considering the stand we want to take in the world and our personal and collective impact

After the symposium, people feel moved to create Community Groups which cultivate a sense of joy and belonging that follows when we come into alignment with each other and the Earth. The groups foster a place for new conversations and for groundbreaking ideas to germinate.
If you are ready to be disturbed, inspired and moved to action, and to be introduced to a thriving community of committed companions, then join us in exploring the most critical concerns of our times, and discover new opportunities to make a real difference.

Plymouth and Trinity Episcopal are the kinds of churches who want to be a part of an ever-expanding network of global citizens who are inspired, supported, and committed to environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment.

Come to the Mayflower Room at Plymouth on May 21st from 8:45 am to 2:30 pm. Cost is $20. Lunch is provided. Scholarships are available. No one turned away for lack of funds. For those interested in helping with this event, or for questions and more information, contact Annie Stevens or Molly Hood.

[email protected] 
[email protected]  

Childcare will be provided.

If possible, please register by May 18th via an email above. (our faith community friends from Kansas City who will be presenting the symposium at our church.) (The Pachamama Alliance – the parent organization behind the symposium was born in response to a request from the Achuar indigenous people from the Amazon Rainforest region of Ecuador.

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