Jan 3, 2017

Politics as Religion; Escaping the Cult

By Michael Emero / filmsforaction.org
Politics as Religion; Escaping the Cult

If you want to explain the political landscape of this country to anyone unfamiliar- be it a foreigner or the youth- simply explain it as our national religion. Because that's what it actually is.


To anyone non-indoctrinated being introduced to this mess, claims of "representative democracy" really proves the glaring self-denial of Americans.

Like all organized religions these days, it's currently in remission. Our two major parties currently sport the lowest numbers on the rolls in years. You've got the Democrats, who claim to be the "party of the people"- while blatantly serving and facilitating the minority rich. Like evangelist preachers, they rely on a base of ignorance, bias, false hero worship, empty rhetoric and a sponsored lesser-evil mentality compared to the "evil" Republicans. Non-thinking, dangerously over-committing catchphrases like "Vote Blue No Matter Who" and a lifetime of immersive indoctrination help their followers maintain a strong cognitive dissonance. Anyone not buying into their focus-grouped dishonesty is therefore accused of being a Republican, and angrily mocked or slandered by repeating the latest gossips.

On the other side is the Republicans. Typically known as the ones representing business, they have found themselves outdone by "Neoliberal" Republicans-turned-Democrats. But this year, with DNC leaks making it painfully obvious just how profit-over-people and how blatantly unethical they are, an uncouth ex-Dem millionaire became the lesser evil of our country's political-terrorism non-choices. Many Republicans, despite the fact that their own party wanted nothing to do with such a belligerent loudmouth, are fiercely proud of "their win" over the "touchy-feely, snooty, belittling" Democrats. The biggest irony here is that such jibes are more accurate than the leadership of either party; both have become puppets arms to an oppressive oligarchy which rules mostly by normalized propaganda.

This year, our apathetic political ruts have been challenged by the ever-increasing rise of political agnostics- individuals demanding substance and facts, who refuse to just adopt an irrational bias based on sponsored media or peer pressure. In fact, that group now holds the majority over both parties. What we're seeing now is a sort of holy war, where the two long-standing rival cults (who barely do any actual legislating or representing any more, despite half of them being salaried millionaires in our majority-poor country) have no real legitimacy. According to most polls, our government and those in office have record low trust and approval ratings. To anyone non-indoctrinated being introduced to this mess, claims of "representative democracy" really proves the glaring self-denial of Americans.


Political con artists stay successful by encouraging our habit of buying into their contrived narratives which play into emotions and confirmation bias.

Here's the thing about religion, be it political or otherwise. It's a fine thing to have, even to take pride in; but when it becomes a label you define yourself as to excuse the attacks on fellow (but "wrong") human beings, it no longer has rational merit. The gridlock within our government is not sustainable nor is it representative. It's caused only by pigheaded, juvenile bickering between parties lacking any significant populace support and little to no faith. If the rest of the country 'functioned' like our 'elected' officials do, nothing could or would ever be accomplished. Only outdated protocol, our system of increasingly elite-serving laws, militarized police and our addiction to the consumerist white noise over all corporate media channels keep domestic terrorism disguised as some form of democracy.

The only way forward is to reject such self-defeating mental cages. Say no to all political cults which demand blind obedience to PR-cloaked corruption. There can only be justice when it is equally enforced upon the most powerful. Instead of picking between two bad choices, choose to trust your own healthy skepticism. Challenging and questioning isn't just our right, it's our duty, and one we've frankly fallen down on the job at. Political con artists stay successful by encouraging our habit of buying into their contrived narratives which play into emotions and confirmation bias. As long as some paid talking head can keep repeating certain headlines often enough, a new "truth" is developed even when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Case and point, "Russia hacked our elections!"


Everyone becomes a Russian spy if it distracts from our government's exposed criminal behavior.


As much as both sides desperately want to make it so (if only to stay relevant) this isn't a partisan issue, just a factual one. Despite Democrats having framed it every convincing-sounding way they can to whoever will listen (and be 'properly outraged'), the "hacking" this election was really from trillions in corporate, private, and foreign sponsorship. Yes, an email phishing tactic led to the DNC email leak; but it was the content which showed duplicity to the American public, resulting in mass disgust and thus the Republican's win. Cultivating a dislike by all establishment types, the wildcard 'radical' option became the lesser evil. Candidates promising status quo, neither trusted nor liked, are not acceptable. Yet denying reality, both cults create dangerous fantasies to avoid actual accountability.

We must stop this naive, inane practice of assuming that a title or position equates to any intrinsic merit. This election and our new zero-experience demagogue entertainer for a President proves this point. If you follow the money, you get the answers. Unfortunately, we as a people have let our judgment lapse, content to do the minimum and choose only among the carefully selected and sponsored options offered, even when they provably do not serve us. Investigative journalists are arrested and slandered. Whistleblowers, even with the most ethical and patriotic efforts, are targeted as enemies. Everyone becomes a Russian spy if it distracts from our government's exposed criminal behavior. And now the 'fake news' fiasco, to casually justify legal censorship, and controlled, sanctioned "truth".


There comes a time when the right answer must be "none of the above."


Countrymen, fellow citizens, human brothers and sisters: this is an intervention. Feel free to go through whatever stages of acceptance you must- grief, denial, anger, bargaining, or depression- but do it quickly, please. Coasting along on blind trust and isolation just isn't going to cut it anymore. This is a worldwide phenomena, even if most Americans are unaware. We are not each others' enemies, or even at odds. This isn't a sports game, it's our children and country's future. Become color blind and judge on individual worth, not whatever old creed or bias you may have unquestioningly served. Let's go deeper than soundbites, consider motives and agendas. Healthy skepticism isn't conspiracy theorism- the real conspiracy theory, swallowed by so many, is that we can trust elitist millionaires to ethically serve the poor.

Sorry, but there is no Santa Clause, the Flat Earth Society needs an I.S.S. feed, and cabals of rich businessmen sponsoring our identity politic debates is not a government that serves We the People. Superdelegate kickbacks, ocean acidification and climate change aren't partisan opinions to be normalized as leftist rhetoric, dismissable under Republicans. Ethical and scientific facts deserve priority over any minor personal ones currently (and conveniently) dividing and disempowering us. As long as the poor majority only shouts "Why doesn't someone DO something" indefinitely, the wealthy minority wins. When those tasked with protecting us become the economic, political and journalistic terrorists we must defeat, it falls on us to protect ourselves. The illusion of fame and wealth as proof of worth must be overturned.

There comes a time when the right answer must be "none of the above." George Carlin once said that he and the pope have the same amount of power; the only difference was, more people happen to believe in the pope's. On January 20th, I will be joining millions of others nationwide to declare openly in the streets that this big-money hijacking of our country is not acceptable, and that I do not recognize this election nor presidency as legitimate. I am sure it will be spun as being from a certain unpatriotic group or destructive ideology in the media, so let me be quite clear: I represent ethics. I represent transparent accountability. I represent functional democracy and representation, not just the pretense of it. I represent the interests of every human being who shares an interest in peace over war, justice over corruption, love over hate.


"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


I welcome everyone to join our ranks, especially at local protests. Because the reality is, both politically religious labels and their self-serving leadership are the actual evil to be fought. Especially as most of our culture equates to mere tools of their public relations.


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