361-420 of 4,211
Fighting for Reforms Isn't Enough. It's Time We Reach for Prison Abolition.
Our communities cannot be safe within a system that fights harm with greater harm.
Living the Questions: Questions, More than Answers, are the Pathway to Collective Wisdom
[…] have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and do try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able...
7 Pointed Questions for Corporate Media About Their Anti-Progressive Biases
Over the last year, corporate outlets have continuously portrayed progressive reforms as scarily left-wing despite poll after poll showing they are broadly popular.
If Worker Pay Had Kept Pace With Productivity Gains Since 1968, Today's Minimum Wage Would Be $24 an Hour
In such a world, a full-time minimum wage worker would be earning $48,000 a year in the United States.
Why You Should Take a Chance on the Socialist
The media is trying very hard to send a certain presidential campaign down the memory hole. They omit it from infographics. They decline to report its policy announcements (like the excellent Thurgood Marshall Plan for public education, 
The Madness of Fossil Fuel Subsidies
A system worried about global warming and the health impacts of air pollution should stop aiding companies that produce those public threats, writes Niklas Hagelberg.
A Biden Nomination Means a Second Trump Term
I remember when I began to feel dread that Donald Trump would win in 2016. It was when I saw Hillary Clinton shimmy in the first Presidential debate. Trump was managing to attack her from both the left and right while scoring laugh lines, and Clinton met his comically...
On the Politics of 'Believing Women'
What we've seen as a result of Warren's statement is further perversion of the language of abuse and victimhood in a context it was never meant to be used.
It Is Clear the Establishment and Corporate Media Would Prefer Trump Reelection to President Bernie Sanders
"One of Sanders' campaign slogans is 'Not me. Us.' That thought literally needs to become reality if Sanders is to address the challenges that await him."
The Limits of Capitalism
At this point in human history, the limits of capitalism and the limits of our species’ life on Earth have converged. We have never been here before, and we cannot go back.
What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like
We have a decade to transform the US economy to stave off climate catastrophe, and Bernie Sanders has the only agenda to do so and the only mobilization strategy to get it done. No plan for a better future is worthwhile if environmental crisis renders our future unimaginably...
Whiteness Is Blackness, and Blackness Is Whiteness
Believing otherwise corrodes us, corrodes freedom, and corrodes the world we live in
There IS a Way Through This Crisis
How we build a better world in the face of climate catastrophe and social collapse.
Boycotting Amazon Won't Work
It will take real collective action — not just canceling your Prime subscription — to force the company to change its labor practices
Why I Refuse to Avoid White People
In the days since the white supremacists marched into Charlottesville, Va., my Twitter feed has lit up with advice from black pundits, activists and even friends: “It’s time to stop talking about racism with white people.” “Whiteness is always protected, even at its...
Risk Rooted in Colonial Era Weighs on Bahamas Efforts to Rebuild After Hurricane Dorian
When Hurricane Dorian made landfall on Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas on Sept. 1, 2019, it packed winds of up to 185 miles per hour and a 20-foot storm surge. A day later, it ravaged Grand Bahama for 24 hours.
We Can’t Do It Ourselves: How Individual Change Has Limits That Can Only be Solved Collectively
How to live a more sustainable life? This question generates a lot of debate that is focused on what individuals can do in order to address problems like climate change. For example, people are encouraged to shop locally, to buy organic food, to install home insulation, or to...
Dammed Good Questions about the Green New Deal
Hydroelectric power from dams might be the thorniest issue that proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) have to grapple with. Providing more energy than solar and wind combined, dams could well become the key backup “renewable” if it otherwise proves impossible to get off of...
More Than 800 Scholars and Activists Sign Open Letter Demanding US End Support for Bolivia's Right-Wing Coup Regime
"We are outraged by the Áñez regime's violations of Bolivians' political, civil, and human rights, and by the deplorable use of deadly violence that has led to a mounting death toll."
How to Save the Planet and Ourselves
We must reduce carbon emissions by 40% in the next 12 years to have a 50% chance of avoiding catastrophe.
Documentary Provides Rare Look at Higher Education in Prison
Educating inmates is cheaper than locking them up again, in addition to being the right thing to do. A new PBS documentary goes behind the scenes.
3 Essential Strategies for Integrating Life Experiences
The tumbling dance of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations can polish the rough rocks of your life story into precious gemstones.
Thinking Outside the Grid
Thirty years ago, a friend of mine published a book called 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save The Earth. It described the huge environmental benefits that would result if everyone made some simple adjustments to their way of life. Six hundred thousand gallons of gas could be...
Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation
Fossil fuel companies have spent millions of dollars to convince the public that they aren't responsible for climate breakdown. Is it a coincidence that climate skeptics believe and share the exact same talking points?
Syria’s Kurds Dreamt of a ‘Rojava Revolution’. Assad Will Snuff This Out
A brave social experiment looks doomed at the hands of Syria’s dictator
Imagine for a Moment.... a Future to Believe In
 Just imagine living in an America that has the policies Bernie & Co. are pushing for. Poverty will be virtually eliminated. Medical and Student Debt Relief will be huge burdens lifted; Medicare for All and Tuition-Free College ensure that those issues never happen again...
A Few Thoughts on Practical Activism
This speech by Kira McPherson was delivered during the #ClimateStrike protest on September 20th, 2019 in Lawrence, Kansas.
35 Year Industry Veteran Takes on Climate Change Denial and Inaction With the Climate Trail
The Climate Trail is a "good, realistic, and sobering" free game about the post-apocalyptic world we face if we continue on our current path.
Resist Globally, Renew Locally
A recent discussion forum among the members of The Great Transition Network focused on “The Promise and Pitfalls of Localism.” My friend and colleague Brian Tokar started the discussion by noting that even though there is a resurgence of progressive action at the local level...
What is ‘Energy Denial’?
The fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day of 1970 will be in 2020. As environmentalism has gone mainstream during that half-century, it has forgotten its early focus and shifted toward green capitalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than abandonment of the slogan...
Saving the Planet Means Overthrowing the Ruling Elites
We must organize to replace existing structures of power with ones capable of coping with the crisis before us.
Climate Change in the Age of the Resistance
It should be no secret that I love The Dark Crystal, and have since I was a small child in the '80's. I've always found the journey to discover a path to heal what is broken, without destroying "evil," but by unifying the dark and the light within us. It's just art though...
“Free, Fair and Alive” Is Now Published!
From cohousing and agroecology to fisheries and land trusts and open-source everything, people around the world are increasingly turning to “commoning as a way to emancipate themselves from a predatory market/state system. 
As Society Unravels, the Future Is Up for Grabs
As civilization faces an existential crisis, our leaders demonstrate their inability to respond. Theory of change shows that now is the time for radically new ideas to transform society before it’s too late.
Racism Is About Power, Not Unpleasant Sentiments
In September of 2011, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis— a man who the best evidence suggested was innocent. On February 26, 2012, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was murdered by self-appointed community ‘guardian’ George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Then Michael Brown...
We Are All Indigenous
“All things are interrelated. Everything in the universe is part of a single whole. Everything is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible to understand something only if we can understand how it is connected to everything else.”
Our Invisible Government
The most powerful and important organs in the invisible government are the nation’s bloated and unaccountable intelligence agencies.
This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It's the First Extermination Event.
What we are witnessing is not a passive geological event but extermination by capitalism.
How to Live With the Climate Crisis Without Becoming a Nihilist
'Today, despite all the grim climate news, I actually feel more optimistic than ever.'
Land Without Bread: the Green New Deal Forsakes America's Countryside
Days after the heart-stopping Notre-Dame Cathedral fire in April, Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg trained her eyes on the United Kingdom’s parliament and chastised its meager response to climate change. “I want you to panic,” the baby-faced sixteen-year-old quietly...
The Most Important Article You’ll Never Read? How Western Media Support State Terror, While Millions Die, and How This Article Was Killed
As media theorists, we set out in Spring 2019 to pool our collective expertise into a short and very readable article for the mainstream press about how media treats Western foreign policy.
Home Is Wherever I’m With You — and Other Modern Calamities
Prologue: this essay is written in support of my new documentary Love School.  “Oh, home, let me come home Home is whenever I’m with you.” ~Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes As I pul
Planet Local: A 7-Part Film Series about the Regenerative Food Movement
Good food is key to our survival and well-being. Eating local food is a powerful solution-multiplier — it reduces our carbon footprint, pollution, and waste, while creating dignified livelihood opportunities, strengthening communities and local economies, and strengthening...
A Charter for the Social Solidarity Economy
This charter was originally published in Spanish as a rallying call for Social Solidarity Economy initiatives within the Spanish territory. We have translated it to share its principles with English speaking audiences and Social Solidarity initiatives worldwide. This article...
Tom Paine, Christianity, and Modern Psychiatry
Beyond Common Sense, most Americans know little about Thomas Paine (1737-1809). Few know that at the end of Paine’s life, he had become a pariah in U.S. society, and for many years after his death, he was either ignored or excoriated—the price he paid for The Age of...
Trump the Magician: The Real Function of Racism and Xenophobia
Donald Trump is a con artist. He is practicing one of the oldest tricks in the book, borrowing a page from every magician who seeks to fool and dazzle their audience by distracting their attention at a critical moment in the act. Trump’s trick of choice has a long history in...
The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change
The Climate Emergency is finally getting the attention of the media and the U.S. (and world) body politic, as well as a growing number of politicians, activists and even U.S. farmers.
Paper Straws Won't Save the Planet – We Need a Four-Day Week
Working less would massively reduce our carbon footprint, and bring many other benefits besides
Want to Tackle Inequality? Then First Change Our Land Ownership Laws
What is the most neglected issue in British politics? I would say land. Literally and metaphorically, land underlies our lives, but its ownership and control have been captured by a tiny number of people. The results include soaring inequality and exclusion; the massive cost...
Are We Done Fighting?
We need ways to build healthier relationships with people who have perspectives different from our own.
‘Anti-Trump’ CNN Presstitute Defends Trump's Persecution of Assange
In the endless brain fart cyclone that is the Trump era, CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta has made a name for himself posing as a martyr of the free press. While US mass media have made a theatrical WWE performance of Trump’s occasional mean words toward Acosta
The Meek Be Damned on Global Warming
In May, an international group of scientists warned that over a million of the Earth’s species are being driven to extinction; before that, researchers reported the climate was warming faster than even the most pessimistic projections. Worse yet, another report gave humanity...
Was Austerity a Scam?
Austerity in Ireland resulted in over 10,000 homeless people, the crisis overseen by a government ideologically opposed to the concept of social housing. Now a property boom is taking place that is enriching an elite while the homeless figures continue to rise. Is this...
European Paganism and Christianization
In contemporary conversations about decolonization, this is a point which is often overlooked – Europeans are indigenous too. Before the spread of Christianity, Europe was home to a profusion of  religious beliefs, most of which are pejoratively referred to as paganism. The...
Workers Should Be in Charge
Every day, private equity companies snatch up firms and strip them dry. But there’s an alternative: allow workers to buy their workplace and run it themselves.
American Exceptionalism, American Innocence, and What Comes Next: An Interview With Danny Haiphong
The following is an email interview with author and activist, Danny Haiphong, regarding the current state of capitalism, US politics, and his new book, American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People's History of Fake News-From the Revolutionary War to the War on...
The Capitalist Coup Called Neoliberalism: How and Why It Went Down
Rich people have always had class consciousness because... they want to stay rich. This collective consciousness led the "founding fathers" of the United States to set up systems of governance that would, first and foremost, protect them (the wealthy, landowning minority)...
Scott Noble's History of Resistance
Scott Noble has been making documentary films for close to a decade. His films are consistently thoughtful and never superficial. Reminiscent of Chris Marker’s documentary work in style and approach, Noble’s films remind us that history is important. They also provoke a sense...
Why We Need a Federal Job Guarantee
Giving everyone a job is the best way to democratize the economy and give workers leverage in the workplace.