61-120 of 4,211
Why Do Conspiracy Theories Flourish? Because Proven Conspiracies are Too Daunting
The greatest conspiracies are open and notorious — not theories, but practices expressed through law and policy, technology, and finance. Counterintuitively, these conspiracies are more often than not announced in public and with a modicum of pride. They’re dutifully reported...
Voting, a Patriotic Duty
I am a black woman in America. I am a woke black woman who has been woke before woke was cool. I also love America.
The "No Illusions" Guide to Elections: Vote to Choose Your Opponent, Then Organize!
This guide is for people who are ambivalent about voting in elections. It directly addresses the objections of the "don't vote" position while finding common ground. To summarize the position of this guide: "Year-round activism + voting" is the best strategy for creating the...
Twenty Media Education Foundation Documentaries Are Coming to Films for Action!
Hi all. I'm thrilled to announce a new partnership with the legendary nonprofit film studio, the Media Education Foundation.
What Activists Can Too Easily Forget
Activism today, call it engaged citizenship, ought to have more humility than it often does, and perhaps a bit more compassion and curiosity, too. No matter how great our understanding, we'll always have something valuable to teach and something valuable to learn.
Nonviolence Means... a Visionary Poster Series by Campaign Nonviolence & Rosie Davila
In all 50 states and around the world, Campaign Nonviolence has been building a culture of active nonviolence, free from war, poverty, racism, and environmental destruction. We share skills and tools with which people can practice nonviolence toward themselves, one another...
Why Capitalism Cannot Be Redeemed
I have a very friendly relationship with Adam Bendell, who is very deeply involved in the world of impact investment and who has also been very interested in the work I am doing around gift economy. Over the years, he has come to events of mine and we have had some very...
The Local Planet VS the Global Empire of Corporations
If you judge that the world is dominated by the American, Russian, Chinese or European empire, you are completely wrong. The real (silent and invisible) empire is that of the corporations (giant companies and banks) that today control practically all fields of human activity...
Freedom of Mind - The Root of the Social Gospel
What we need then for the social gospel to become a reality is more of a collective awakening, with more and more people becoming free of their lesser views and motivations.
The Pimps of War | Chris Hedges
The coterie of neocons and liberal interventionists who orchestrated two decades of military fiascos in the Middle East and who have never been held to account are now stoking a war with Russia.
We Must End the War in Ukraine by Challenging Evil—Not Becoming It
What is anti-imperialism in this new era of East-West polarization?
A Radical Approach to Psychedelics and Mental Health
The so-called psychedelic renaissance is here. Proponents claim that the drugs can alleviate an array of psychological suffering. But while they try to gain medical acceptance, they ignore the structural factors that cause suffering in the first place. We need a revolutionary...
The Field of Peace
John Perkins once told me a story of bringing a group to have an audience with the Dalai Lama. A woman asked him, “Is it important to pray for peace?” The Dalai Lama said, “Yes, praying for peace is very good, but if that is all you do you are wasting your time.”
So This Is What It Looks Like When the Corporate Media Opposes a War
Major American media outlets oppose military aggression... unless the United States is doing it.
Reunion Is Possible When We Put Healing above Victory
I read a story the other day about a couple in Germany. They had enjoyed a harmonious marriage for more than 20 years until the time of Covid, when each adopted beliefs directly opposed to the other. Their arguments became more and more violent, until last year they split up.
The Paradox of Busy
Sometimes, when people reach out to me with requests for interviews or writing, they preface the request with, “I know you must be very busy ...”
How to Convert a Business into a Worker-Owned Cooperative
Cooperatives are a great way to bring democracy into the workplace. They can either be built from scratch or by converting existing businesses into worker-owned cooperatives. For retiring business owners as well as entrepreneurs, selling a business to employees is a way to...
Financial Crises and Socio-Economic Outlook in Three Documentaries
1- Requiem for the American Dream (2015)
Six Ways to Find Your Courage During Challenging Times
Courage doesn’t have to look dramatic or fearless. Sometimes it looks more like quiet perseverance.
Thich Nhat Hanh Was One of the Great Spiritual and Activist Teachers of Our Time. Rest in Love, Dear Brother!
Beloved teacher, activist, and Zen Buddhist master, Thich Nhat Hanh, has died peacefully at 95.
Buddhist Monk and Peace Activist Thich Nhat Hanh Dies at 95
"He inspired so many good people to dedicate themselves to working for a more just and compassionate world."
A Temple of This Earth: Moving Beyond Redemptive Violence
(This essay is the final installment of a series. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Films for Patrons: Donate $5/Mo and Gain Access to These Great Documentaries
Films For Action hosts the largest collection of free films related to social change online. Started by a few friends in 2006, we're a home-grown media library dedicated to empowering citizens with the knowledge essential to creating a more loving, just, sustainable, and...
Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 37 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending
Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future.
So-Called 'Centrists' Are Really Incredibly Dangerous Extremists
Their supposed "seriousness" poses a serious threat to everyone but the small group of elites whose short-term interests they actually represent.
How Militarism Fuels The Climate Crisis — And Vice Versa
True climate solutions must have antimilitarism at their core.
From Columbus to Enbridge: Colonial Exploitation Continues
It's somehow fitting irony as Indigenous Day approaches on Oct. 11 — once known by another name — that a new Columbus is about to pump oil through Line 3, the last tar sands pipeline. That is the colonial-like corporation Enbridge. Maybe President Joe Biden will think about...
5 Key Things to Know About the Pandora Papers
These disclosures about how the world's wealthy and powerful hide their vast fortunes will hopefully turn up the heat on the politicians that maintain the wealth-hiding status quo.
Profiteering From Vaccine Inequity: a Crime Against Humanity?
Companies and rich nations are creating a deadly Covid-19 vaccine "protection racket."
Lack of Trusted Authority Is Why Covid-19 Is Kicking Our Butts
The resulting credibility vacuum has enabled unscrupulous politicians, agents of chaos, and other charlatans to position themselves as experts.
Despite Our Despair, There's a Reality Worth Fighting For
Those who are enduring injustice, exploitation, and oppression—whether people, animals, or ecosystems—need us to believe that wrongs can be righted and to take action accordingly.
Please Teach Your Children About Corporate Criminals
Today's school children are engulfed by corporate apps, software, and textbooks biased toward the corporate definitions of an economy and myths about "free markets."
Principles for Reversing Globalization and Creating a Future Designed for People, Not Corporations
"We live in the time of the ballyhooed Great Reset, a time following when great destruction has cleared the way to build something different – or to lock in the gains of big corporations, central governments, and the super-wealthy. What vision of human development might we...
Big Oil Coined ‘Carbon Footprints’ to Blame Us for Their Greed. Keep Them on the Hook.
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
Capitalism Is What’s Burning the Planet, Not Average People
Not all humans are equally culpable in the climate chaos outlined in the latest IPCC report. Identifying the rich and powerful as the principal culprits is key to stopping further destruction.
A Plague of Gods: Cultural Appropriation and the Resurgent Left Sacred
A little over six years ago now, I received a demand which asked me to use my influence and this publishing platform to help denounce someone. I read the demand with curiosity and a bit of worry. The message stated in rather vague language that the sender had been asked by...
Nomads in Search of a Villain
The new film Nomadland is a heartfelt look at the lives of itinerant Americans cast aside by the Great Recession. But it ignores how employers like Amazon are raking in profits off this new class of worker.
The Confederacy Was a Con Job on Whites - and Still Is
I’ve lived 55 years in the South and I grew up liking the Confederate flag. I haven’t flown one for many decades — but for a reason that might surprise you.
So You're Still Being Publicly Shamed
The Right wants you to believe that a coddled, overly sensitive left is propping up cancel culture. But punitive, hyper-surveillant ways of interacting online are built into the structure of privately owned social media companies, and they’re practiced across the political...
The Age of Social Murder
The ruling elites, despite the accelerating and tangible ecological collapse, mollify us, either by meaningless gestures or denial.
To Reason With a Madman
Someone sent me a video on January 19th in which the host, claiming a secret source among the White Hat power faction, said that final plans are in motion to overthrow the criminal Deep State once and for all. The inauguration of Joe Biden will not take place. The lies and...
The Five Real Conspiracies You Need to Know About
While millions of people are spellbound by falsehoods, actual threats go unheeded and unchecked.
You Can't Hurt the Gangsters at the Capitalist Casino by Shuffling the Chips Around to Different Bets. You Take Their Chips off the Table.
Pumping up GameStop will do nothing to change what people hate about Wall Street. There’s a better way.
The Oligarchy Knows Class Warfare Is the Real Fight—Why Don't Liberals?
The Democrats and Republicans have legalized a level of greed and fraud that even heirs of the robber barons thought unsustainable.
Open Letter to Bernie, the Squad and Progressive US Lawmakers: State Repression of the Farmers’ Movement in India
An open letter to Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen Ed Markey, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Rep. AOC, Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Cori Bush, fmr Sen. Nina Turner, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, Rep. Ro Khanna...
We Must Act With Unprecedented Boldness to Meet These Historical Crises
The headlines dominating the news understandably deal with the outrageous behavior of President Donald Trump and the attempted coup he inspired at our nation's Capitol.
Don't Let President Biden Make Us the Dupes of Our Hopes
More than being a time of hope—or fatalism—the inauguration of President Joe Biden should be a time of skeptical realism and determination.
The Doomer Mentality Dooms Us to Failure
Anyone who is honest about the present state of affairs on this planet knows that things are very bad.
Who Really Designates America's Priorities, Villains and Future?
Why Questioning the Rationality of Capitalist Nationalism is Essential for Humanity's Continued Evolution (and Existence)
Both And
A Direct Route to Feeling and Experience
Children of the Lie
Renowned clinical psychologist and social critic John F. Schumaker examines the growing power and influence of the lie in relation to ongoing reality erosion and various cultural trends that are fueling the war against truth and introducing dire threats to social...
Racism Is No Illusion. 'Racecraft' Is.
Why race is like Santa Claus—a pervasive myth we love to convince each other of.
The Last Chance to Save SCOTUS, and RBG's Legacy
The Senate has scheduled a vote for this Friday, October 23rd. If we the people want to stop Barrett's confirmation, now is the time; and here are two ways to do it.
Naomi Klein’s “Hard-Money” Ideas Undermine Her Laudable Climate Action Goals
2014 Book Review: Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate
Sport is a bipartisan attraction in America today. No matter your party, you probably enjoy engaging in or following some matchup that takes it to the mat, court, or gridiron. Before starting in team or solo competition of all kinds, opponents recognize a moment devoted to...
What to Do When the World is on Fire
In December of 2019, my best friend Kit took me and my partner to the place where she grew up, in the remote Thora Valley, in the pristine forested foothills of Eastern Australia’s Great Dividing Range. As we drove down Darkwood, the single road into the Thora, Kit told us...
World on Fire
Brazil’s Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland, covering an area nearly the size of Britain. Only today, it isn’t so wet. After a summer of drought, catastrophic fires are raging that have devastated 2.4 million hectares of land already this year. (That’s more...
A Vision of Creation: Progress in the Long View of History
The arc of history is long and tiresome, but the events of the past are never as far away as we would like to believe they are. To understand where we are going, we must reflect on where we’ve been. In doing so, we will find the troubles of the past are not yet laid behind us...
We Can Do Better Than This
My wife, Stella, recently shut down her account on the social-media-platform-that-must-not-be-named. “It feels like I’m walking away from a fight,” she said. “Almost everything I read there is a signal as to what side the poster is on. Or an attempt to promote the idea that...
Ten Days of Charles Eisenstein
A Collection of Tweets That Fell on Deaf Ears