Connect4Climate on Sep 18, 2015
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Change - C4C Special Prize (Subtitulos en español)
Danag y muchas otras ciudades en Vietnam Central están altamente vulnerables al calentamiento global. Los tifónes, inundaciones y sus pautas imprevisibles han causado graves consecuencias en la vida de las personas, sobre todo a los...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Tinau (My Mother) - C4C Special Prize (Subtitulos en español)
Los cientificos predicen que Kiribati, una isla remota en el Pacífico central, puede desaparecer por el aumento del nivel del mar en los próximos 50 años. Por ello una nación enfrenta un futuro con incertidumbre. "Tinau" es un retrato...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Balud - Jury Special Award (Subtitulos en español)
"Balud" es una palabra en dialecto filipino que significa "olas". Este cortometraje experimental es una respuesta al tifón Yolanda (nombre internacional: Hayan), lo cual tragó mi ciudad natal Tacloban en el pasado Noviembre de 2013. A...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Facing the Flood - 2nd Prize 14-17 Years (Subtitulos en español)
La situación al sur del casquete polar de Groenlandia se está deteriorando. El calentamiento global de la Tierra parece afectar a esta área más que a ninguna otra en el mundo. Las temperaturas han empezado a fluctuar y los habitantes...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Violin Player - 1st Prize 14-17 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Se trata de una película de animación sobre un violinista tocando en un teatro. Al cerrar sus ojos, él encuentra todo en el mundo a derretirse. Después de una ejecución loca, el violinista abre sus ojos sobre una realidade inesperada.
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Snows of the Nile - 3rd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Las montañas Rwenzori en Uganda se elevan 5000 metros desde el corazón de África. En sus cumbres están algunos de los únicos glaciares ecuatoriales de la Tierra. Pero estas "Montañas de la Luna", cuya existencia ha causado sensación en...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Global Warning - 2nd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Un documentario sobre el super tifón Yolanda - Hayan que azotó las Filipinas en el 8 de Noviemebre de 2013. Un vídeo de Dobrin Kashavelov (Bulgária/Filipinas) - Grupo etário 18-35
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Trail of a Tale - 1st Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
"Una carta desde el futuro se escribe en nuestro pasado reciente, diciéndonos como 'las cosas salieron bien'".
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Change - C4C Special Prize
Danang, like many other cities in Central Vietnam, is highly vulnerable to climate change. In particular, typhoon and flood and their recently unpredictable patterns have caused severe impacts on the people's lives, especially the...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Tinau (My Mother) - C4C Special Prize
Scientists predict that Kiribati - a remote Island Republic in the Central Pacific - could be lost to rising sea levels in the next 50 years. As a result a whole nation faces an uncertain future. 'Tinau' is an intimate family portrait...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Pachamama - People's Choice Award
This documentary discusses the effects of global warming in São Carlos, a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. We follow Adinalsa, a farmer affected by the extreme heat of summer, and Gabriel, one of the founders of a community that...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Balud - Jury Special Award
Balud is a Filipino dialect word for "waves." This short experimental film is a response to Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Haiyan), which swallowed my hometown Tacloban city last November, 2013. This film dedicated to family...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
It's Easy If You Try - 3rd Prize (14-17 years)
What is the problem with climate change and how we can solve it...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Facing the Flood - 2nd Prize (14-17 years)
The situation in the south of the Greenlandic Ice Cap is deteriorating. A global warming of the earth seems to threaten this area more than anywhere else in the world. Recorded temperatures have begun to fluctuate, and native...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Violin Player - 1st Prize (14-17 years)
It's an animation movie about a violinist playing at a theater and when he close his eyes he find the entire world melting. After a crazy play he open his eyes over an unexpected reality.
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Snows of the Nile - 3rd Prize (18-35 Years)
Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains rise 5000m from the heart of Africa. At their summits are some of Earth's only equatorial glaciers. But these "Mountains of the Moon," whose existence caused a sensation in Europe when they were first climbed...
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
Global Warning - 2nd Prize (18-35 Years)
A documentary about the super typhoon Yolanda - Haiyan which hit the Philippines on Nov 8th 2013. A video by Dobrin Kashavelov (Bulgaria/Philippines) - Age Group 18-35
Connect4Climate added a video on Sep 18, 2015
The Trail of a Tale - 1st Prize (18-35 Years)
"A letter from the future is written to our recent past, telling us how the world ´it turned out right´. It follows the trail of someone that left words written, words of change, of simple change. In this near future, the images of our...
Connect4Climate added local news on Sep 18, 2015
Let’s get Angry About Climate Change
Connect4Climate support Rovio, Earth Day Network and other partners to challenge Angry Birds players of the world to champion the environment and fight climate change in Champions for Earth, a weeklong tournament on Angry Birds Friends.