421-480 of 4,212
I’m a Jewish Historian. Yes, We Should Call Border Detention Centers 'Concentration Camps'
It isn’t just accurate. It’s necessary.
This Civilisation Is Finished: Conversations on the End of Empire - and What Lies Beyond
An excerpt from a new book by Samuel Alexander and Rupert Read
The Coming Show Trial of Julian Assange
LONDON—On Friday morning I was in a small courtroom at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London. Julian Assange, held in Belmarsh Prison and dressed in a pale-blue prison shirt, appeared on a video screen directly in front of me. Assange, his gray hair and beard neatly...
Connecting the Dots: Insane Trade and Climate Chaos
Imagine a world where food routinely gets shipped thousands of miles away to be processed, then shipped back to be sold right where it started. Imagine cows from Mexico being fed corn imported from the United States, then being exported to the United States for butchering...
Economics 101 and Ecological Collapse
“The collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” – David Attenborough
Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
Just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. The guys who run those companies – and they are mostly guys – have gotten rich on the backs of literally all life on Earth. Their business model relies on the destruction...
The Faux Revolution of Mindfulness
McMindfulness is the new capitalist spirituality.
Vertical Literacy: Reimagining the 21st-Century University
The Fridays For Future (FFF) climate strike by high school students may well be one of the most important, yet hardly covered stories by the US media today. During the week of March 15th alone, 1.6 million strikers were counted across 125 countries. This environmental...
The Big Picture
Humanity has a lot of problems these days. Climate change, increasing economic inequality, crashing biodiversity, political polarization, and a global debt bubble are just a few of our worries. None of these trends can continue indefinitely without leading to a serious...
The Farms of the Future
Hou Xueying, a mother from Shanghai, was tired of food safety scares and of a city life disconnected from the land. So she moved her family to the country to learn about sustainable farming. Her parents disapproved; they had struggled to give her a comfortable life in the...
Public Ownership Is Back and This Is How We Do It
Jack Harmsworth from We Own It makes the case for why the UK must learn from its European neighbours and take back control of privatised industries.
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh: Only Love Can Save Us From Climate Change
Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their own suffering, how can they be expected to worry about the plight of Mother Earth
Controlling 5G: A Course in Obstacles
Across the United States, telecom providers have begun mapping their plans to deploy 5G “small,” microwave-emitting cellular sites throughout neighborhoods. Every person deserves to be informed about what’s happening and what’s within every household’s ability to control.
If Life Wins There Will Be No Losers
How can we create a worldwide, permanent shift to regenerative culture in every sphere of life?
Against ‘Sustainability’ and Other Plastic Words
The word sustainability, were it up to me, would be extinct, wiped out, kaput.
Russia-Gate's Monstrous Offspring
Russia-gate has shed any premise of being about Russian interference, writes Daniel Lazare, but the idea that America may in anyway be responsible for its own fate is of course unthinkable.
China Is Not the Problem. Capitalism Is.
Tom Friedman and Steve Bannon are, as usual, wrong. Hardship in the United States can’t be blamed on China’s “economic war” on democracy. It’s the fault of American corporations and elites.
America's Reproductive Slaves
On Wednesday, the day it was announced that the U.S. birthrate fell for the fourth straight year, signaling the lowest number of births in 32 years, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law the most draconian anti-abortion law in the country. That the two developments came at th
Wanting Fully Without Attachment
If you have had a spiritual practice or have experience with personal growth workshops, you have no doubt heard many times that letting go of attachment increases happiness and well-being. The principle is simple, but exactly what does it mean to let go of attachment, and...
The Rising Tide of the Populist Right
In the Americas, the Trump tsunami has swept across both continents and the “pink tide” of progressivism has all but disappeared from the southern half of the hemisphere. In Europe, with the 
What’s Wrong with Activism?
Over the years I have often been asked how I became an activist. The question of how individuals as individuals become involved in social change movements, fascinating as it may seem, can carry equally fascinating assumptions about activism itself. It may imply a voluntary...
Before Healing, We Need Connection
What we must do is incorporate the other people…the creeping people, and the standing people, and the flying people and the swimming people…into the councils of government. - Gary Snyder
We Protect You From Yourselves: Police, Oppression and the Rule of Law
What goes through the mind of a riot cop as he's beating you senseless? Spanish situationist Luis Navarro on policing, violence and the imposition of order.
What If Most People Love Violence?
Despite years of effort and sacrifice by millions, there has not been a mass shift toward nonviolence. Perhaps what's needed is a better understanding of the dark side of the human species.
Creeping Toward Tyranny
Capitalists, throughout history, have backed fascism to thwart even the most tepid forms of socialism
Mistaken Identity by Asad Haider Review – The Best Criticism of Identity Politics
This riveting and inspiring study of race and class in the age of Trump argues that an emphasis on identity should lead to one on solidarity
The Relentless Factories of Hatred, Fear and Lies: on the Global Ultraconservative and Reactionary Waves
There are two undeclared wars on the vast majority of the world's population, the destitute popular classes and the impoverished middle classes. Such double war requires a vast, ideological-mental industrial complex sprawled across the planet.
The Polarization Trap
Over the past decade I’ve watched with alarm the widening polarization of the body politic across Western societies (and to some extent globally). As commonly recognized, the public is split into irreconcilable political factions who disagree not only on the interpretation of...
Classifying Bodies, Denying Freedoms
I was in my early teens when I accompanied my grandmother on a Christmas errand to deliver boxes of biscuits to each of her surviving maternal cousins. Although our extended family was big we were also close, so I was surprised when the last box was for an aunty I’d never...
Elegant Simplicity and Right Relationship
A left wing and a right wing belong to the same bird. The moment we see that we are all related, we start to see solutions.
To Decolonize Our Minds, Start With Words
Where is the clear image of a decolonized society we are to emulate? There isn’t one. Yet if we are to free ourselves, we need practical steps.
'Cultural Marxism': a Uniting Theory for Rightwingers Who Love to Play the Victim
What do the Australian’s columnist Nick Cater, video game hate group #Gamergate, Norwegian mass shooter 
The Theory of White Privilege – Why Racism Is Not a Privilege, but an Injustice
Within some parts of the activist movement the concept of White Privilege is quite popular. Let us take a decolonial look at the concept.
Is 5G Worth the Risks?
This article was originally published on the Economics of Happiness Blog.
Socialists Win in Spain With Green New Deal
Spaniards threw their weight behind a Green New Deal programme by re-electing the pro-climate Spanish Socialist party (PSOE).
21 Examples of NVC Consciousness
Our way of being -- the intentions, attitudes, and quality of the energy that we bring to an interaction -- is more important than the particular words we choose to speak. The heart of Nonviolent Communication is not about speaking using a particular recipe. Rather it is...
Five Early Lessons From Extinction Rebellion
How the new movement for ecological justice is reimagining the world by reimagining the art of protest, protection and healing.
Anatomy of a Trump Supporter
A farmer in the Midwest, a Donald Trump supporter in 2016, complained last week that his farm was in danger of going bankrupt owing to the combined effects of climate change and the tariff-wars, initiated by Trump, that have caused corn and soybean prices to collapse while...
Dare to Declare Capitalism Dead – Before It Takes Us All Down With It
The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one.
The Trifecta of Civil Resistance: Unity, Planning, Discipline
Three attributes can make the difference between success and failure for nonviolent movements around the world: unity, planning, and nonviolent discipline.
So Many Animals Are Going Extinct That It Could Take Earth 10 Million Years to Recover
It took the Earth 10 million years to recover from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs.
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
How to Win: Lessons From the Zad
Successful social movements combine resistance to injustice with the affirmation of alternatives.
We Need an Ecological Civilization Before It's Too Late
In the face of climate breakdown and ecological overshoot, alluring promises of “green growth” are no more than magical thinking. We need to restructure the fundamentals of our global cultural/economic system to cultivate an “ecological civilization”: one that prioritizes the...
Films for Action's $5/Mo Supporters Can Watch These Paradigm Shifting Films for Free
Thanks to the filmmakers we've partnered with, our $5/mo+ supporters can instantly watch the 12 pay-per-view films below for free, and we plan to add more to this support tier over time. Check out the video below to watch the trailers for 5 of the 12 films back-to-back.
Nurses Are Leading Strike Efforts — Where Are the Physicians?
Nurses in New York City are pushing back against hospital systems that put profits over patients and threaten their efforts to strike for safer staffing ratios. While nurses are fighting, physicians, so far, have remained on the sidelines of this struggle.
Rethinking the Normalization of Fascism in the Post-Truth Era
"We do not live in a post-truth world and never have. On the contrary, we live in a pre-truth world where the truth has yet to arrive."
The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet
The ideas behind regenerative farming are simple and ancient.
Only Nature Can Save Us Now
Faced with climate change and mass extinction there is only one thing to do. Stop trying to save the world.
What Will You Say to Your Grandchildren?
Facing oncoming climate disaster, some argue for ‘Deep Adaptation.’ What we really need is ‘Deep Transformation.’
Why You Shouldn't Listen to Trump and the Super Rich When It Comes to Beauty
We see and judge women based on the perspective of super rich white men who also tend to own the beauty competitions and the cosmetic companies.
AOC, Sanders, and Warren Are the Real Centrists Because They Speak for Most Americans
DO YOU KNOW what really annoys me about the media’s coverage of U.S. politics, and especially the Democratic Party?
Right-Wing Psychiatry, Love-Me Liberals and the Anti-Authoritarian Left
“In every American community you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects, ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them...
Basic Income - Ensuring a Future for Humanity's Children
There are clever people who make algorithms for the financial services sector. Remember those crumbs that used to fall from the rich man’s table? They’re all accounted for now. Every last one, down to the tiniest minuscule crumb that you can’t even see. They get collected by...
Growthism: Its Ecological, Economic and Ethical Limits
We have many problems – poverty, unemployment, environmental destruction, climate change, financial instability, etc. – but only one solution for everything, namely economic growth. We believe that growth is the costless, win-win solution to all problems, or at least the...
How Bad Is Global Inequality, Really?
Most everyone who’s interested in global inequality has come across the famous elephant graph, originally developed by Branko Milanovic and Christoph Lakner using World Bank data (see below). The graph charts the change in income that the world’s population have experienced...
A Psychologist Explains How People Become Anti-Authoritarians
Lyndon Johnson famously proclaimed his requirements for an appointee: “I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses.” Johnson and his ass-kissers were authoritarians.
Criticizing Israel isn’t Anti-Semitic, Here’s What Is
Weeks ago, when the first accusations of anti-semitism were being leveled against Representative Ilhan Omar, I was deeply agitated.
Saving Japan's seed heritage from “free trade”
I recently had the opportunity to interview Masahiko Yamada, formerly Japan´s Minister of Agriculture and now one of the country´s foremost food sovereignty activists. We met at an international Economics of Happiness Conference in Prato, Italy, where Yamada delivered a...