Feb 1, 2015

The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2014

By Films For Action / filmsforaction.org
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2014

This round-up features Films For Action's picks for best activist film of 2014, most of which can be watched for free online. Our favorites for the year are at the top of the list.  


Mark Corske's Engines of Domination
2 min · CITIZENFOUR is a real-life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified...
56 min · This is the story of our unique moment in history. We are living through an age of tipping points and rapid social and planetary change. We’re the first generation to feel the impacts of climate disruption, and the last generation that...
Legalize Democracy
30 min · Legalize Democracy is a documentary film by Dennis Trainor, Jr. about a movement to amend the U.S. Constitution so that Corporations are not considered people, and money is not considered speech. For more information about Move To...
101 min · This is a movie about how we have left the natural connection to the planet. The movie investigates how this has happened, the incredible amounts of pollutants that we are exposed to, even as a fetus, and the technology that can help...
Not Business As Usual
61 min · Not Business As Usual is a provocative look at capitalism and its unintended price of success. The film tracks the changing landscape of business with the rising tide of conscious capitalism through the stories of local entrepreneurs...
The Internet's Own Boy
2 min · The Internet’s Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over...
The Culture High
120 min · Journeying across the North American landscape, "The Culture High" is the riveting story that tears into the very fibre of modern day marijuana prohibition to reveal the truth behind the arguments and motives governing both those who...
Enough Is Enough
18 min · Enough Is Enough lays out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth-an economy where the goal is enough, not more.
Years of Living Dangerously
60 min · Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy.    In this first episode, we’re taken across the world to get various...
Koch Brothers EXPOSED
56 min · Billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency. 
Apocalypse, Man
70 min · Most people were first exposed to Michael C. Ruppert through the 2009 documentary, Collapse, directed by Chris Smith. Collapse was one of the scariest documentaries about our world and the fragile state of our planet. It was also one of...
Transitions For Society: Job Guarantee and Basic Income
20 min · This film presents a huge social problem called technological unemployment. Whilst doing so, the film also presents two potential solutions to this major social issue. The transitional path described in the film concerns a transition...
The Unknown Known
104 min · A glimpse into the mind of a sociopath... who just happened to be the United States Secretary of Defense leading up to and during the country's two longest wars (Iraq and Afghanistan).

Here's a selection of 2014 films that we haven't seen yet that we're looking forward to checking out:

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
90 min · The World's largest environmental organizations are failing to address the single most destructive force facing the planet today. Follow the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the...
Concerning Violence
1 min · The powerful new film from Göran Hugo Olsson, director of The Black Power Mixtape, is a fresh and bold visual narrative, documenting the liberation from colonial rule in the '60s and '70s in Africa. Working with recently discovered...
Another World (2014) (trailer)
3 min · ANOTHER WORLD is a feature documentary about the journey of mankind to discover who we truly are, challenging the modern view of the world and reconsidering the world view and value systems of ancient societies such as the indigenous...
The Raising of America
11 min · It’s often said a society can be measured by how well it attends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialization, and their sense of being loved and valued by their families and...
Saving My Tomorrow - Inspiring Youth into Action
2 min · A lyrical mix of science, animation and music, SAVING MY TOMORROW celebrates the wonders of the natural world and is a call from kids to kids to help take care of the planet.
Divorce Corp
2 min · A shocking exposé of the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. family law industry, Divorce Corp shines a bright light on the appalling waste, and shameless collusive practices seen daily in family courts. It is a stunning...
Citizen Koch (2014) (trailer)
3 min · "America -- they're coming for you next." That’s the warning from a Wisconsin state employee after her union rights were destroyed by a Republican governor funded by corporate and billionaire donors whose ultimate goal is to break the...

Have we missed anything? What films from 2014 would you add to the list?



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